SpiderShuri #1

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Author's Note: Peter Parker and Shuri are both eighteen in this one shot.

SpiderShuri #1

 Shuri's POV

 I'm going out on my first date ever with a new boy who randomly turned up in Wakanda recently. I believe Tony Stark sent him here on a mission but even that poor boy doesn't quite grasp why he's here. Anyways, Peter and I have gotten to know each other well over the past two months... and I've sort of developed a crush on him. He's really cute and I enjoy being around him on a regular basis. I can imagine some of the things people might say about us being an interracial couple but I don't care. I care about him and he cares about me, that's all that matters to us. Well that and the approval of my family. My brother T'Challa and mother both like Peter which is a bonus. 

   Our first date is going to be down by the waterfall where a lot of Wakanda's important ceremonies are held. Peter is making us a picnic lunch for us to eat there. It's very sweet of him to have come up with such a lovely idea for our first date. I'm wearing the same outfit I wore when I flipped my brother off right before he became king. I wanted to be cute but casual. Before I head out to meet Peter, I run into my brother talking to Okoye. Okoye gives me a thumbs up wishing me luck for my first date. My brother must have told her all about it because he smirks at me. "Ready for your big date little sis? You're growing up on me so fast." I roll my eyes at him and do our signature handshake (as shown up above). "I'm only eighteen brother, not eighty. Thank you for telling everyone about Peter and I's date by the way." 

       T'Challa grins. "What kind of brother would I be if I didn't bother to embarrass my sister once in awhile? Seriously though, have fun and be safe. Call me or any of the Dora Milaje if you sense any kind of trouble is upon you two." I hug him. "Will do. Love you brother and see you later." I head down to where I'm supposed to meet Peter which is about a twenty minute walk for me. When I get there, I'm nearly out of breath. Peter grins at me with a picnic basket chalked full of food and drinks. "Hey Shuri, I'm glad you make it. I brought nearly every kind of sandwich, chips, and drinks I could find. Take your pick." I grin at him and consider my options. I decide on a ham and cheese sandwich, sour cream and onion potato chips, and a grape soda. He decides on a spicy Italian sandwich, regular potato chips, and an orange soda.

        Like a gentleman, he sets down a giant blanket for the two of us to sit on. We eat the food in peace and continue getting to know each other. My heart breaks for him when he tells me about how much family he has lost. "Peter, I'm so sorry for your losses. I'm glad you still have your aunt May as well as some good friends back home. The only person I've lost so far to death is my father. I hope I don't have to lose anyone else to death for a very long time." "I'm still sorry for your loss Shuri. I know you were probably very close to your father given the way you talk about him. I see a lot of him in you actually. You know Shuri, you might very well end up being the queen of Wakanda someday."

         I look at him with a bit of surprise but nod in agreement. "I haven't thought about it all that much to be honest with you but I suppose I could be. Right now, I'm just letting my brother enjoy having the title of king and my mother deserves to be queen until she decides she doesn't want to be anymore. When that time comes, then I'll make a proper decision of whether or not I'd want to be queen." Peter studies my face carefully. "Shuri, not only are you a genius but you're the most beautiful genius I've ever seen." My face burns up immediately. "N-No one has ever said that to me before. Thank you Peter." He blushes adorably. "Y-You're welcome Shuri. I wanted to say it to you sooner, just didn't get the guts to do so until now."

         A moment of silence passes before the two of us in unison ask each other the following question. "So are we a thing now?" Both of us burst into laughter at asking the question in unison before also answering in unison with "I hope so." I smile at him. "My answer is yes." He smiles back. "My answer is yes too." Usually most people would kiss at this point but I think the both of us want to wait until it feels right rather than rush it. I'm just so happy to not only finally have a boyfriend but to have one that respects me as much as he does. It's also pretty freaking cool that he's Spiderman too. We'll be an Avengers power couple and I'm all for it. 

Hoped that you guys liked this one shot! :) -Mary  

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