RoQuill/Rocket x Quill #1

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RoQuill/Rocket x Quill #1

Rocket's POV

  God I can't stand Quill most of the time. He thinks he knows it all and that he's the leader of this team. That man, or shall I say boy, doesn't have a single leader like quality about him. Groot is more qualified for that role and he's a freaking tree! Rocket, stop grumbling to yourself. You should be used to Peter being an asshole. After all, you tend to be one yourself. The difference between Quill and I is that my asshole charm is charming while his is just annoying. He also demeans me for being a raccoon at every opportunity he gets. I'm the smartest animal around. 

   I'm sitting on the ship with Groot polishing everyone's blasters while Peter, Drax, and Gamora are out running an errand. Groot sits down beside me and helps out to the best of his abilities. When I notice him smirking at me, I sigh. "Groot, what is it? You're looking at me strangely." He continues to smirk. "I am Groot." I gasp. "How could you even propose such an absurd notion? I most certainly do not like Peter Quill romantically." "I am Groot." "Yes I'll admit he's good looking but he's an asshole. Why date a fellow asshole when I'm an asshole myself?" "I am Groot." I bang my fists down on the table, causing Groot to jump a bit. The startled look on his face immediately makes me feel guilty and I sit back down quietly beside him.

    "I'm sorry Groot, you're not wrong. I do like Quill and it's eating me alive. I'm a freaking raccoon, how would he take me seriously if I ever told him that?" Groot's eyes bug out of his head and he appears to be looking past me. "Groot, is someone behind me?" He gulps and nods. I whip my head around to find Quill standing there with a box in his hands looking absolutely dumbfounded. "Rocket, is that true?" My hands begin to shake but I hold them together so it isn't obvious. "No, I have no idea what you're talking about." Drax and Gamora appear a moment later and he shuts up, surprisingly not embarrassing me in front of the entire team for once. "Rocket, can we talk privately?" 

     I nod and follow him to his room. When he locks the door, I can feel my stomach doing belly flops. "Rocket, was what you said to Groot true? Do you really like me... in that way?" I don't say anything which gives him a bit of satisfaction. "So it is true... wow. I don't know what to say. I mean you're..." I raise an eyebrow at him and cross my arms across my chest. "I'm what, a raccoon? Yes I'm well aware of that dipshit. I expected you to have a better opener than that." Quill sighs. "What do you expect me to say Rocket? Are you looking for me to tell you that I reciprocate those feelings? You do know I like Gamora right? I think I've made that pretty obvious."

     I pull at my head in frustration. "I KNOW!! Do you really think I want to feel this way? I don't. It sickens me that I have these feelings for you. I know you're drooling over Gamora. Can you try to make that a little less obvious in the future?" He mimics my stance and glares down at me. "I'm willing to put this behind us if you can try to get over these strange feelings." I feel my heart break a bit but I refuse to show it. "Fine by me." Without another word, I walk out of his room and join Groot in finishing to polish the blasters. I try to shake our conversation out of our mind. Groot knows me better than anyone else so he continues to press the subject.

     The others are out of earshot for now so I feel comfortable talking aloud with him. "Groot, what else is there to say? He rejected me. He wants Gamora and I have to accept that. I'll get over it, I always do." Groot looks at me with hesitation but doesn't say anything else for now. 

A few hours later...

 Peter sits down next to me as we're all eating dinner together. "Rocket about earlier, I'm sorry for being such a dick. I could have said what I said in a better way. I could tell that I walked in a private conversation between you and Groot." His apology surprises me but makes me feel a little less crappy about him having rejected me earlier. "I appreciate and accept your apology Peter." I finish eating my food and excuse myself. The gang seems shocked that I left the table early. Normally I'm the last one to leave but today, the thought of sitting there any longer than I had to was humiliating. 

    I take a quick shower and freshen up afterwards. Peter startles me by hovering in the doorway. "Jesus Peter, couldn't you have waited until I dressed?" He doesn't say anything but picks me up, carrying me in his arms. "Quill, what the hell are you doing?" He brings me into his room and locks the door, then placing me onto his bed. He sits down besides me, taking his shirt off. "It's mutual Rocket. It shouldn't be but it is. I told Gamora that I liked her earlier but she rejected me. I've liked you for awhile too in addition to her. I was being a dick about it because I was worried what society would say about us. Screw society though, we've always been outcasts and outlaws. Why try to fit into that mold?" 

    I nod in agreement and lean my head on his shoulder. "Don't expect me to go all soft on you." His laughter rumbles onto my body. "I would be concerned if you did." So I guess we're a thing now, this will be interesting.

Hoped that you guys liked this one shot! :) -Mary

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