Okoyrie/Okoye x Valkyrie #2

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Okoyrie/ Okoye x Valkyrie #2

Valkyrie's POV

  It's been a few months since the snap was reversed and life has been interesting ever since. For example, I've become extremely close friends with Okoye. She's the general of Wakanda's main army. Asgard sadly was never restored to its full potential and neither was Wakanda. I have faith that Wakanda will get back to its glory days in a few years time. The recovery process after near total destruction is a long one. Okoye is the most confident woman that I've ever met. I aspire to have her level of confidence. I hide a lot of my confidence behind drinking. Not a wise decision but it's a decision I'm guilty of making quite a bit.

    I watch Okoye lead her army with pride and determination. Her and the rest of the Dora Milaje do a series of exercises before diving into their training rituals. This goes on for nearly a couple of hours before they stop to take a break. Okoye then struts over to me with a smirk on her face. "Have you been standing there this entire time?" I smirk back. "No, I was sitting for some of the time. My legs just got stiff after thirty minutes of sitting still. Not as still as Drax though, that guy's got major invisibility game." Okoye nods. "That is very true. Want to join me for my lunch break?" "Gladly." The two of us head to the mountain top to have a picnic lunch together. Wakanda has an endless supply of premade sandwiches.

     I take a spicy Italian sandwich while Okoye decides on an egg and cheese sandwich. Both sandwiches are absolutely delicious. "Valkyrie, do you think you'll ever return back to your people? I mean I love having you here but I'm sure you miss your people and vice versa." I sigh. "I will one day but right now, I really like being here in Wakanda. To be honest, I could see our people living together here in Wakanda in perfect harmony. Is that a crazy thought?" She shakes her head no. "No it isn't because I've actually had the same thought myself here and there. Why don't you talk your people into it? Our army would be even stronger together rather than separate. Run it by Thor too since he is the king after all." "If you run it by T'Challa too, then you have yourself a deal."

    The two of us do our signature handshake. Though when our hands touch, they linger a bit longer than intended. That leads to the two of us having a moment of sorts. Neither of us wants to call the other out on it so we just savor it and let it pass. Okoye and I may not have a label on our relationship, but you best believe it's a strong one that will last for a very long time. I meant what I said before though, I really can imagine Wakanda becoming our (the remaining Asgardians) new home.

Hoped that you guys liked this one shot! :) -Mary

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