CaptainStark/Carol x Tony #1

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CaptainStark/Carol x Tony #1

 Carol's POV

 It feels so weird to be back on Earth after having been in space for years. I briefly teamed up with the Guardians of the Galaxy for a mission. What an interesting batch of creatures they are especially the talking raccoon and the talking tree. I think their names are Rocket and Groot... Anyways, let me tell you about someone who grinds my gears. His name is Tony Stark aka Iron Man. I've had to listen to him and Steve Rogers aka Captain America bicker for two weeks about who is the real leader of the team. I personally think it's Tony but every time someone agrees with him on something, his ego inflates.

    I'm so tired of listening to the two of them bicker. I go right over to the two of them, holding each of them back with one hand. "This is ridiculous. You both are grown men acting like children. Will you both just grow up?" Both of them look at me with shame etched on their faces. Tony speaks up. "You're right Carol, we're both acting like children. I'm sorry that you've had to listen to the two of us bicker with one another for the past two weeks. I promise you that we're doing bickering for the time being." He looks to Steve and Steve nods in agreement. "For once, Tony and I are in a mutual agreement about something."

     I motion for Tony to come over to the corner of the room to talk to me privately. He raises an eyebrow at me skeptically but does indeed follow me over to the corner of the room. "You know Carol, it's quite confusing having two captains on the team. Are you and Steve going to duke it out to see who gets to be the lead captain? I personally think it should be you since you're a lot more powerful than him." I smirk at him. "As much as I love flattery, I actually do need to talk to you. I have to go undercover at a met gala tonight for Fury and I need a date. Someone who doesn't shy away from conflict and is willing to charge into it head on. You're the first person that came to mind. Are you willing to be my date for a night?"

      He ponders that for a moment before answering. "Sure... but only if there's something in it for me. Say, a real date after the fake date." I roll my eyes at him. "As long as it doesn't end with you trying to take my clothes off at the end of the night, then you have yourself a deal Tony." He extends out a hand for me to shake with a lopsided smile on his face. I sigh and take his head, having a tight grip on the handshake. Our hands linger a moment too long and I quickly pull away, trying to hide my slight nerves.  

That night...

  Natasha and Wanda help me get ready for the gala. I decide on a midlength  silver sparkly dress to wear. I have silver flats to match it, light silver jewelry, and a gold clutch to balance out all of the silver in my outfit. I curl my hair and wear it down. I do a double take in the mirror and I have to say, I like how I look. I'm not normally seen wearing this glamorous of an outfit but it's fun to play pretend for a night. When I meet up with Tony in the living room, he gasps. "You look incredible. You clean up nice Carol." I smirk. "So do you but I think you already know that. Shall we?" We loop our arms through one another and head to this gala.

    As the night progresses, so does the drama at the gala. About three quarters of the way through, a fight breaks out. Tony and I spring into action to protect civilians and defeat the culprit. It turns out that we're a really good team. We end up winning the fight in no time and the culprit gets arrested. We stand in front of the building watching the culprit get arrested with satisfaction. I wrap an arm around him. "Well done partner." He does a dorky cowboy like salute to me. "Back at ya partner." The two of us walk hand in hand back to Stark Tower to celebrate our victory tonight. 

Hoped that you guys liked this one shot! :) -Mary 

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