Stucky #2

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Stucky #2

Bucky's POV

 Steve and I haven't had any alone time in weeks due to missions, meetings, and other hero related duties. I love helping innocent souls but I want some time alone with my man. That's why I'm sure to cherish every moment alone that the two of us get. We're currently in Steve's room. It's covered wall to wall with posters from our war days, photographs from that century and the current one, and Avengers logos. It's not the typical grown man's room but Steve's not the typical grown man. He's freaking Captain America, the world adores him. I share my man with the world and sometimes that is a burden to bare. Steve is worth it though. He's the only person in this world that I would take a bullet for without even thinking about it. 

    Steve stares at me with lust in his eyes, which causes chills to spread up my spine (The good kind of chills, not the bad kind someone would get if a serial killer were about to murder them). I'm sorry for being morbid, I was the Winter Soldier for years. HYDRA filled my head with so much shit that I'm still trying to undo the mental damage they did to me. The nightmares I have remind of the monster that I once was. Steve rubs my thighs gently, his fingers feeling incredible on my skin. Even the simplest bodily contact with him sends me into a tizzy. "Bucky, you're so handsome. Do you know your own beauty?"

     I look at him with lust in my eyes. "No but feel free to show me." He smirks. "Gladly." He lowers his head and begins making love to me properly. I moan several times and thank the heavens that the walls in his room are soundproof and that the door is locked. We got at it for hours before calling it a night. When we're done, the two of us lay naked next to each other, gasping for breath. I grin at him though. "That was the best sex we've had yet." Steve grins back. "It sure was Buck. Let's do it again sometime soon." I stroke his cheek gently. "I love you Steve." He blushes adorably and smiles softly back at me. "I love you too Bucky. I always have and I always will." His obvious truth makes my heart soar in the best possible way. Steve is the only person who's love for me that I've never doubted for a second. 

Hoped that you guys liked this one shot! I'm so sorry for the lack of updates this week. I was sick all week long as well as stressed due to work. I hope to get back into my regular writing flow come next week. :) -Mary


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