Clintasha #2

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Clintasha #2

Natasha's POV

 Clint looks so different from when I last saw him three years ago. I've missed him so much. I yearned for him to come back like you wouldn't believe, even more so than when Bruce disappeared on us (not that I didn't miss Bruce though, he's one of my closest friends). Clint and I have been each other's other halves for many years. Not having him around took a major toll on me. I managed to track him down, only to find him under a new persona in Japan. He's become an assassin named Ronin. He had to do drastic things in order to survive for months after the snap. 

   Clint refuses for me to call him Clint right now so I'm referring to him as Ronan for the time being. He'll snap out of this phase hopefully. I just need to be patient and not scare him off in the meantime. He still trusts and cares about me despite the gruff act he's putting on right now. I trace his new tattoos with my fingers, feeling each and every one very precisely. "Clint, what do these tattoos stand for?" He smirks at me. "The one with the bow and arrow represents my past persona as Hawkeye, the moon represents my preference of night instead of day, the Japanese symbol stands for love, and the small one that's hard to see but is indeed there says your name." I look closer and can make out that it's my name on his arm.

    "You got a tattoo dedicated to me? That's so cheesy but I love it. Thank you Clint." He wraps an arm around me. "No thank you. I know it's been a long three years being a part from one another. I lost custody of my kids and once I found out that they disappeared due to the snap, I fell apart. Losing custody of them was bad enough but them being dead just pushed me over the edge. I've done horrid things these past few months Nat. I've killed innocent people in order to survive to see another day. I have blood on my hands." I wrap my arms around him as tears threaten to fall from my eyes. "I'm just so grateful that you're alive. You remember that I was an assassin, don't you? You saved me though. Nick Fury originally sent you to kill me but you chose to make a different call. I refuse to view you as a villain."

     Clint looks at me sadly. "Everyone probably hates me now." I shake my head no. "That's not true. They've missed you terribly. We also have some new friends and allies back home waiting for us.  I really want you to come back to Avengers HQ with me. Will you?" Clint takes a moment to ponder it before nodding his head. "For you, I'll come back for you. If anyone starts any shit with me though, I won't hesitate to kick their ass." I laugh tiredly. "That's the man I know and love." He gasps. "You love me?" I hug him tightly. "I always have." Without another word being said aloud, Clint pulls me in for a kiss that leaves me breathless afterwards. Three years of longing is displayed in that kiss, making it one of the most meaningful ones I've ever received. 

Hoped that you guys liked this one shot! :) -Mary

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