FitzSimmons #2

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FitzSimmons #2

Fitz's POV

 I nearly killed the love of my life with a deadly weapon. How could I be so reckless? How could I have let HYDRA corrupt my mind and take over it? I love Jemma more than anything or anyone in this world. Now she's lying in a hospital bed bleeding out because of me. I shot her... three times with a pistol. I'm a monster, I hate myself. I'll never forgive myself for this. I sit down next to her while she lays lifeless before me, doctors doing everything in their power to resurrect her. It's a difficult task but eventually, a doctor tells me that she'll survive, it's just that her recovery process will be a long haul. 

Time Skip... Two Days Later...

 Jemma's eyes begin to flutter open, a quiet moan slipping out of her mouth. I sit straight up in my seat. Jemma makes eye contact with me and I feel both delight and terror. I hope she doesn't remember that I'm the one who shot her. Knowing how great her memory is, she probably remembers every detail of that frightful experience. "Fitz?", she croaks out in a raspy tone of voice. "H-Hi Jemma. I'd ask how you're feeling but that would be a pretty stupid question on my part. I just want to apologize. I don't know how on Earth I let my guard down long enough for HYDRA to be able to corrupt my mind. I love you so much. I never would hurt you intentionally." Tears form in my eyes. "I really hope you know that." 

    She looks at me tiredly. "I do." She looks like she wants to say more but is too tired to do so obviously. "It's okay Jemma, don't speak. Converse your energy. Your recovery is going to be a long one but you're going to be okay. I'm not going to leave your side. I'm going to help you get through this. Daisy, Coulson, May, and the gang are also here for you too. You're not alone." She grabs a hold of my hands and squeezes them gently before drifting off to sleep. As promised, I don't leave her side. I messed up big time and I'm going to right this wrong. 

Hoped that you guys liked this one shot! :) -Mary 

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