Gamasha #2

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Gamasha #2

Gamora's POV

Imagine being trapped in the Soul Stone where you can gaze at your love only from afar but she can't see you. If you're lucky, she can feel you though. That's my current situation. Be thankful you don't have a father who's a mad titan and murders half of the population on every planet he visits. I miss Natasha and my fellow Guardians so much. Natasha and I weren't together for long before the snap, but man, we formed such a deep bond in a short amount of time. Sometimes you can be loved by someone more deeply in just a matter of months rather than by someone you've known for your entire life. Family isn't always your blood, it's those who are able to brave the storms with you. 

   I have faith in Natasha though. In addition to being a deadly assassin, she's so intelligent. I'm intelligent too but she's on a whole different level. She had so much training in her field that it's helped to shape her in more ways than one. Most of those memories aren't pleasant but then again most of mine from my childhood aren't either. I have a sister who has hated me for nearly two decades now. We're only just beginning to form a bond. Oh Nebula, I hope I can get back to you too. In the soul stone though, I can see Natasha and Nebula chatting with one another. That gives my heart an extra twinge of hope.

Time Skip... A Few Weeks Later...

  I can see Nat gazing at me through the stone. Like I said before, she can't see me but I can see her. That's the curse of being stuck in the soul stone. She smiles at me sadly and gives me a gentle kiss. I close my eyes and pretend that I can feel the sensation of her kissing me. Her, my sister, and the living heroes all venture into the unknown in these high tech suits. I bet they're time traveling into another realm in order to attempt to reverse the damage. All I can do is silently watch and hope for the best. 

    As time goes on, my anxiety spikes. The heroes are shorthanded. They have a few new recruits but the odds aren't in their favor. Thanos still has five out of six of the stones and is very powerful. Nat seems close to getting the mind stone back. It's shattering in the gauntlet somehow, making its power weaker. The mind stone belonged to Vision who died before the snap like myself and Loki. All three of us died in the hands of my father. We all had tragic deaths so it's not a contest in that regard. 

Natasha's POV

 I managed to get the mind stone back and go off to find Visions corpse. I report to the others that I'm heading over to Vision's body. We kept it safe for all of this time. Since he died before the snap, we were able to save his body. Commence the process of bringing Vision back to life! 

Gamora's POV


Nat, Nebula, and Bruce work together in trying to resurrect Vision. It's a long and difficult process but they are successful. I do a little victory dance. Peter looks at me strangely. "Why are you dancing Gamora?" I smile at him. "They're winning. Not by much but it's a start. They're recovered two of the stones and Vision is alive again. Every hero counts in that battle." I run over to Wanda. "Wanda, Vision's alive! The Avengers and my sister brought him back!" 

    Wanda looks at me shell shocked and gasps. "Are you serious?" I nod like a bobble head. "I sure am. We might win this somehow. We can't do much from this side but we can continue to watch to see how all of this plays out. 

Nat's POV

 Tony and Steve report to me that they managed to get back the time and power stones. That brings our grand total up to four. Carol is close to getting back the reality stone. She's putting up a damn good fight against Thanos who is finally beginning to become weak. We're going to save the honor Thor and Rocket to finish Thanos off after we get all of the stones. They've lost the most and deserve to truly avenge the fallen. 

A little while later...

Carol has obtained the reality stone and Clint has the space stone. Okoye has just arrived to the lab to oversee our progress on things. She's done such a great job protecting her people since the snap. She'd make an excellent queen of Wakanda but she loves being the general. She says there's a lot more action in her current position. Thor and Rocket finish off Thanos once and for awhile. Thor finally aimed for the head and Rocket aimed for the arm with the gauntlet on it. All around us, people begin to reappear from piles of ash in the sky. 

    I'm going to have to go to Vormir in order to find Gamora. As soon as we're all reunited, I tell everyone that I'm taking a pod to Vormir. Nebula offers to go with me which is fine because I could use the company. She's also Gamora's sister so that's understandable. The two of us venture to Vormir. We pass by the Red Skull who I didn't even know was still alive. I thought Steve defeated him all those years ago. I guess he's cursed to be stuck on Vormir. At the very top of the cliff, we find Gamora standing there. She appears to be in disbelief. Nebula and I run as fast as our legs will take us, both of leaping into her arms. She stumbles a bit but nowhere near the edge thankfully.

    "Nat, Nebula, did you do it? Did you win?" I smile at her with tears in my eyes. I'm not normally one to cry but I can't help it. I'm too emotional right now. "We did, we won. You're back and so is everyone else. We love you so much Gamora." Gamora looks at both of us with all of the love that she could possibly muster. "I love you both too. Let's go back to Earth and have a celebration. I think we've earned it." The three of us laugh and get back into the pod. All is right in the world again.

Hoped that you guys liked this one shot! :) -Mary

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