IronStrange #1

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IronStrange #1

Stephen's POV

 I can't believe I chose to give the time stone up in exchange to save Tony's life. I vowed aloud to him and the kid that if it came down to it, I'd protect the stone over anything or anyone else. Why did I break my own vow? What is it about that man? Tony Stark gets under my skin like I wouldn't believe but yet I'm drawn to him. His cocky, arrogance mirrors my own which is one of the main reasons why we've clashed since meeting one another. My head is telling me to run for the hills away from him when this is all over but my heart is telling me the complete opposite. Watch me be an idiot and give into my heart. 

   Tony, the kid, some space creatures/people, and myself are on Titan currently, Thanos' home planet. It's basically ashes and dust at this point. It's difficult to tell that this planet was once home to so many beings. By the way, I've just learned that the space creatures/people are referred to as the "Guardians of the Galaxy" and their names are Peter Quill/Starlord, Drax, and Mantis. I'd say those are strange names but my superhero name is literally Dr. Strange so I have no right to judge in the name department. 

    I glance at Tony who's staring at me like a deer in headlights. "Why on Earth did you give Thanos the time stone? I thought you wanted me dead. I haven't exactly been the kindest person to you." I look at him sadly. "I'm so sorry Tony. I'm not one to normally apologize and admit that I was wrong, but I really was wrong. I realize now that I insinuated I wanted you and the kid dead. The truth is I don't, I want the two of you to continue to be in my life." He raises an eyebrow at me. "What are you saying Stephen?" I sigh. "I'm saying that I care about you and the kid Tony." His cocky expression softens a bit. "I'd be lying if I said I didn't care about you too. I see a lot of myself in you. Maybe that does cause us to clash more often than some people but I can see a lot of advantages to that as well."

     The two of us gravitate towards each other, sitting beside one another hand in hand. Peter and the Guardians stare at us with curiosity. Tony simply smirks at them which speaks for itself. We simply await for the next part of the battle since Thanos has disappeared and none of us can go anywhere for the time being. I don't know what this makes Tony and I now but I guess we'll find out. With all of the chaos going on all over the world, it's better to just take things hour by hour. Planning too far ahead would only cause more damage. 

Hoped that you guys liked this one shot! :) -Mary

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