SpiderLoki #1

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SpiderLoki #1

Loki's POV

 There's a certain spiderling that has me wrapped around his finger and his name is Peter Parker. He just turned 16 years old recently. In mortal years, I look no older than 21 or 22, at least in my mind that's the case. I met him when he was uncover as Spiderman saving some innocent bystanders from being shot by a robber at a bank. I was out for a stroll running an errand to get groceries for Thor and I (yes we're roommates here in the city) when this all went down. I ended up helping Peter and we saved every single person and even turned the robber over to the police. I used to be villain but I got tired of that lifestyle. For now, I'm simply Loki. I still play practical jokes but I keep a low profile overall.

   Peter and I are sitting on the rooftop of Stark Tower enjoying the night time view of the city. It's absolutely breathtaking. Even us locals know how to appreciate a view like this, often more so than the tourists. Rather than taking two hundred selfies, we sit and absorb the beauty of it all firsthand. The occasional selfie is taken but not to the obsessive levels.  I notice Peter smirking at me so I smirk back. "Yes Peter?" "I never thought you'd end up with a guy like me. I'm well... kind of a loser." I gasp. "You are most certainly not a loser. You're also dating a God, anyone who is hateful towards you will face my wrath." 

      He giggles, melting my anger way instantly. "You and your old English. I can only imagine how much it's still used back on Asgard. Do you ever go back and visit?" I nod. "From time to time but only with Thor. My parents both love him but only my mother loves me. My father wishes that I were dead even after I paid my dues and became a hero of sorts." He looks at me sympathetically and places a hand on my knee. "Maybe one day he'll finally come around. If he doesn't, then it is he who is not worthy of a spot in your life, not the other way around. You've come so far these past couple of years Loki. I'm so proud of you my baby boy." I blush, I love it when he calls me that. "Thank you Peter, that means the world to me. I-I love you." He grabs a hold of my hand and squeezes it gently. "I love you too."

      I turn my gaze towards him, temporarily tuning out the NYC nightlife. His gaze turns to mine soon after and I press my lips to his. Peter of course whips out his phone to take a picture of us kissing on the rooftop. I'd roll my eyes at him but honestly I find it adorable. I love looking over his shoulder at the cute pictures we take together. I really need to get myself a cell phone. Thor recently got one and it seems to be a worthwhile investment. 

Hoped that you guys liked this one shot! :) -Mary

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