Thorkyrie #1

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Thorkyrie #1

Valkyrie's POV


 For the past few days, I've been drinking my ass off. You might think I down bottles of vodka and rum like a child who downs chocolate or any other type of candy. I'm trying to take my mind off of the brooding God of Thunder who showed up randomly to Sakaar. His name is Thor, at least that's what I overheard his brother Loki tell the Grand Master. I can't believe Thor is related to Loki in anyway, they're complete opposites. He's like a high school boy who never grew out of his emo phases and Thor is like the obnoxious captain of the football team. 

   It's just a little crush, it'll go away. At least that's what I kept telling myself. Thor and I never had any kind of relationship prior to us meeting a few days ago. He's been royalty on Asgard for ages but he was never aware of my existence. You should have seen the look on his face when he found out that I was a Valkyrie. Suddenly since that moment, he's been trying to be my friend. He grills me with questions about what that experience was like for me, even confessing to me that he wanted to be one himself as a child, well up until he found out that Valkyries were only female warriors. 

     He's growing on me though. After he made a great effort to hold his one in a battle against Hulk in an arena full of thousands of people, he was very modest about his defeat. His powers also came out to full display during that battle, intriguing me more than I care to admit. I don't remember Thor being as powerful as he is now. He makes Loki's powers seem so puny. Maybe I should give him a chance. I'll start by inviting him to have a drink with me. I navigate around Sakaar for a bit before finding him sitting on a pile of waste. I happen to be holding two bottles of Vokda, one in each hand. I loom over Thor until he sighs and turns to face me. "What do you want Valkyrie? You've made it pretty clear to me that you don't want to be bothered by me." 

     My expression softens a bit. "You're right, I was being rude to you. I'm like that to new people I meet at first. I mean sure I've known of you for centuries but I never had a conversation with you face to face up until a few days. Consider this my apology. I know you like to have the occasional drink and I even brought a bottle of Vodka just for you." He smirks at me and takes the one of the bottles from me. I smirk back and sit down beside him, beginning to down my own. We do this for what feels like hours before I break the silence. "Thor, what would it take for you to go out on a date with me?"

    He stares at me rather intensely. "Darling, you've already done enough to convince me to go on a date with you. The only objection is it'll have to wait until we escape this wasteland. In the meantime, drink up." We clink our bottles together and continue to drink until neither of us has any Vodka left in our bottles. Cheers!

Hoped that you guys liked this one shot! I mustered up enough energy to do an update for you guys today. :) -Mary 

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