Romanogers #2

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Romanogers #2

Natasha's POV

  I made a terrible mistake when I was drunk the other night. Clint and I were both lonely and incredibly drunk. One thing led to another and we made out in bed. It didn't lead to sex thankfully but it was still cheating. I'm dating Steve and Clint is married to Laura. We both feel like shit and getting Steve to talk to us has been a task in itself. He seems like he wants to talk, he just doesn't know what to say. Maybe if I can get him alone, he'll finally open up to talking to me about how he's feeling. I'm rounding a corner to swing by the lab when I notice Steve talking to Bruce. Bruce notices me first and gives me a small wave. Steve then whips his head around and tenses up when he sees me. He doesn't revolt away though. Him and Bruce share a hug before he comes out into the hallway to meet me.

    "I'm ready to talk Nat, I just want to do so in private." I nod and lead him to my room. The two of us sit on my bed, though there's a bit of distance between us. He sits all the way to the left and I sit all the way to the right. "All I really want to know is why. I've been trying to wrap my head around this for days and haven't been able to come up with a decent answer to that question." I sigh. "There is no decent answer. I was drunk and lonely while you were away on a mission. Clint and I were the only two here. He understood how I was feeling and vice versa. Besides you, he knows me best out of anyone in the entire world. I know it's no excuse but it's the truth. I'm so incredibly sorry. I love Clint but I'm not in love with him. The only man I'm in love with is you Steve. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. Please don't leave me..."

    Steve wraps his arms around me, almost cradling my body. "I would never leave you Nat. I love you too much to ever leave you willingly. Am I disappointed in you and Clint's actions? Absolutely. I know Laura is too. Her and I talked on the phone a couple nights ago. I needed to talk to someone who was going through the same situation that I am. She took it rather well, better than I did to be honest. Clint's a lucky guy to have a woman like her and I'm a lucky to have a woman like you. We all make mistakes. You and I chose different sides during the Sokovia Accords fallout but we found our way back to each other." I lean my head into the crook of his neck. "You're right. Thank you for forgiving me. I promise to keep my distance from Clint when the two of us are in the tower alone for awhile. Okay?" 

      He kisses me on the forehead. "That sounds fair. I trust you not to make the same mistake twice." I take a shaky breath and absorb his words. I do make mistakes but never in my life have I ever made the same mistake twice. I'm Black Widow for crying out loud, I can do better. I vow to do better. 

Hoped that you guys liked this one shot! :) -Mary

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