ScarletWidow #1

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ScarletWidow #1

Natasha's POV

  I've been drawn to Wanda Maximoff ever since she joined the Avengers. Everything from her powers to her beauty intrigued me. I've never seen a woman whose beauty stood out to me a much as her does. The two of us are currently on the battlefield with Okoye fighting off Thanos' children or as I like to call them "Thanos' bitches." I cracked that joke to Steve earlier and he got a kick out of it. Anyways, I don't like catching feelings for people. For years I've been telling myself that love is for children but the truth is I've simply been afraid of falling in love. I make up these excuses to protect myself from the potential world of pain if I were ever to lose the person I fall in love with.

    Now I wouldn't say I'm madly in love with Wanda, I don't know her well enough to say that just yet. What I do know is that I have a crush on her and would like to get to know her more. I wish we were spending all of the time that we've been spending together under different circumstances but life often never pans out that way. Plus Bruce is pining for me and Vision is pining for Wanda. If the two of us were to become a thing, we'd be breaking the hearts of two of the most innocent men there are. Is that worth the risk? I don't know...

      Proxima Midnight seems to be targeting Wanda. She probably wants to know Vision's whereabouts because the two of them are connected due to their powers and the mind stone in his head. Wanda refuses to crack with that information. Instead, she kicks her ass and ends up nearly fainting afterwards. The poor woman has been using up so much energy in this battle. I crouch down in front of her. "Wanda, are you okay?" "I'm fine, just need a moment to catch my breath. You seem fine other than the fact that you're covered in some sort of ichor." I make a sound of disgust and try to get as much off of me as possible. 

       "Wanda, when all of this is over, we need to have a private chat." Wanda looks at me with confusion but nods in agreement. "Yeah sure Nat." The two of us get back up and continue to fight. The war goes on for ages before the unthinkable happens. Thanos threw me into a tree quite hard along with several other Avengers. The only ones still standing in this spot are Wanda and Vision. He insists that it's time for her to kill him in order to save the universe. She hesitantly complies but looks like she's about to have a mental breakdown. My heart is yearning for her now more than ever. I watch as Vision tells her repeatedly how much he loves her before he breaks into pieces literally. 

         Wanda lets out a painful gasp but is now trying to hold back Thanos. He then does something even more unthinkable. He uses the time stone to bring Vision back to life only to kill him once again. Wanda then has the ugly mental breakdown I was anticipating for her to have. I force myself to hobble over to her and hold her while she sobs over the loss of Vision. I liked Vision but I knew how much the two of them meant to each other. Vision liked all of us but he loved Wanda. An android was able to develop human emotions and fall in love with a human himself. Wanda looks at me with pure devastation on her face. "I loved him so much Nat. He cared about me so much. He was my first friend and one of the only people I trusted in this world. Now he's gone by the hands of this monster."

        Thanos has the nerve to appear offended by her comment. Out of nowhere, Thor shows up and strikes Thanos in his chest, very close to his heart. Thanos gasps but then smirks at him. "You should have aimed for the head." Without another word, he snaps his fingers and the unknown begins. People all around us turn to ash. Bucky, T'Challa, and Sam are some of the many to disappear. I scream at him. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?" "Exactly as I said I would, make the universe balanced again." Wanda's face pales in horror. "Nat, I know exactly what he did. He erased half of humanity's existence. Half of the world's population is now deceased." 

       Thanos nods and disappears to who knows where, leaving us survivors to absorb the shock of the fact that we actually lost. We're the Avengers, we're not used to a loss this extreme. We knew the slight risk of this happening but really thought that we would have been able to prevent it. I need to tell Wanda how I feel about her, I need to get this weight off of my shoulders. "Wanda, I guess now is as good a time as any to have that talk." She nods solemnly. "What's on your mind Nat?" I bite my lip nervously and begin to fidget which is a rarity for me. "You." She looks at me with confusion. "What do you mean me?" "Wanda, I like you." Wanda leans her head on my shoulder. "I like you too Nat. You're one of my best friends. Why wouldn't I like you?" 

       I sigh and look at her seriously, my expression saying what words can't. Her facial expression slowly shifts into a look of realization. "Nat, you like like me?" I nod while looking down at the ground. "Yes I do." A few minutes of silence pass before she breaks it. "I like like you too Nat. I was terrified to tell you because I was afraid that I'd creep you out and didn't want to break Vision's heart. I cared about him so much but I didn't have a crush on him. I've always had a crush on you." I look at her in shock. "So you want to be my girlfriend?" She nods. "I want to be your girlfriend... on one condition." I raise an eyebrow at her. "Which is?" "You have to break the news to Bruce before anyone else. He's head over heels for you and he deserves to know the truth. Despite being the Hulk, he has one of the purest hearts of anyone I've ever met."

       I can't argue with her on that. I make my way over to Bruce and gently break the news to him. He's a little disappointed but is handling it a lot better than I thought he would. He promises to keep Wanda and I's relationship private until we're ready to tell everyone. With half of the universe being extinct now, we have a long journey ahead of us. 

Hoped that you guys liked this one shot! :) -Mary 


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