ScarletHulk #2

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ScarletHulk #2

Bruce's POV

 I remember the very first time I saw her, our very first conversation plays in a loop in my mind repeatedly. Wanda had a lot of pent up anger towards Tony due to Stark Industries causing a lot of destruction in Sokovia when her and her brother Pietro were children. In all fairness, I think his father Howard was the one that mainly contributed to that. Tony just got a lot of the blame because he is the son of Howard Stark. When you share a family name with someone who changed the world, a lot of assumptions are made about that person's family members. 

    For a young lady, Wanda was far ahead of her years. That's the main reason that drew me to her. I know I'm getting gray in my hair which makes it obvious that I'm over twenty years older than her, but what does that matter? We're both adults so we have the right to have our say in the matter of love. Authentic love is so hard to find these days so if you're lucky enough to find it, do everything in your power to make it work with that person. Wanda and I only just started dating a couple of weeks ago but we're both really happy to be with one another. I've taken her out to dinner twice. I wanted to keep our first few dates basic, it's important to get to know someone before trying to jump into the sack with them. If you're Asexual, that may or may not apply to you. Regardless, I believe there is a person out there for everyone. 

     Wanda loves ethnic food which is great because it gives us a lot of options for places to eat out at. Right now, we're at a place called Jimmy's Buffet. Natasha recommended it to us and it's really good. The buffet features everything from assorted rice dishes to crab rangoons to several types of lo mein. It's absolute heaven. Wanda's plate is just as full as mine is. When we get back to our table, the two of us are laughing at how ridiculous we look. "Bruce, I think we took a bit too much food for one serving." I shrug. "Wanda, they call it a buffet for a reason. It's all you can eat, therefore we should eat all that we can eat. Otherwise, we're disappointing the policies of a fine establishment." She shakes her head at me. "You're something else Bruce." 

       I beam at her while we scarf down our food. We even go for round two afterwards. "Wanda, I'm really happy being with you. I know that we got off on the wrong foot but I'm glad that we were able to forgive one another. I adore you. You're such a lovely gal and I don't want to hurt you like that intentionally ever again." She reaches across the table and strokes my hands gently. "Bruce, you weren't entirely at fault. The both of us were. Once I got to know you a bit, I realized how gentle of a person you are. Sure you have a green, rage monster as your alter ego but he seems to be coming around to me too. I adore you too." I stare at her with all the affection I can muster up in the moment, listening to her attentively as she talks more about her childhood. The best thing you can do for a woman when she needs you is listen to her. It won't kill you, well it shouldn't anyways.

Hoped that you guys liked this one shot! :) -Mary

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