FrostIron #1

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FrostIron #1

Loki's POV

 That mewling quim has gotten under my skin in the worst possible way. I had the opportunity to kill him using the power of the tesseract but failed to do so. Something about the anxiety masked behind his eyes reminded me all too much of my own. I felt compassion towards him so I didn't follow through with my plan. In fact, I find myself... wanting to protect him. Isn't that bizarre? I, the God of Mischief want to protect a mortal with a massive ego and also happens to be an Avenger.

    I pace the roof of Stark Tower trying to fathom why on Earth I have these weird feelings for Tony Stark. So far, I'm coming up blank. Perhaps a chat with Tony would clear things up. I sigh and take a step towards him, gently putting the tesseract done. He looks at me in shock. "What's going on with you Reindeer Games? Now you adore me all of the sudden?" I snort. "I hate it when you call me that nickname. Me adore you, come on. You're dreaming Stark." He raises an eyebrow at me. "Am I though? Last time I checked, you weren't exactly my biggest fan." I sigh. "I'm still not but I guess I feel sorry for you."

     He scoffs. "You feel sorry for me? I'm truly shocked and that isn't my ego talking Loki, it's me. Thank you for not killing me but you did kill a lot of innocent people. Do you know how this is going to play out for you in the end right? You're going to go back to Asgard with Thor and face severe consequences for your actions." He hangs his head down in shame but doesn't argue against the harsh truth. "I know." A moment of silence passes before I find myself gravitating closer to him, wrapping my arms around him from behind. "Tony Stark, I should have said this sooner, but it's better late than never I suppose." I take a deep breath. "I care about you Tony Stark. Maybe in another lifetime, you and I could have been a couple."

       Tony nearly chokes on his own saliva. "You have a crush on me?" I shrug. "Yeah I think I do. I'm pansexual so I crush on people of all genders and/or sexualities. You just happen to be my latest crush. I don't expect you to feel the same way about me though." His expression softens a bit. "I do have a wee bit of a crush on you Loki but it's too late, the damage is done. You'll be gone soon and I'll just have to learn how to cope." I nod sadly and move my forward to his, giving him a gentle kiss on the lips. "Parting is such sweet sorrow my love." He stares at me in awe before I disappear into thin air with Thor, who is very much eager to whisk me back to Asgard. While sitting in my prison cell, I'll think of Tony and count down the days until I can be reunited with him again.

Hoped that you guys liked this one shot! I managed to sneak in an update despite going to a concert tonight. :) -Mary

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