SkyeWard #2

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SkyeWard #2

Grant's POV

 My heart is torn whether or not to keep my alliance with S.H.I.E.L.D. for Daisy's sake or to jump ship to HYDRA because they're offering me a much better job position. They're offering me better pay too. I feel guilty for wanting to take it although I don't agree with most of their morals, not to mention they're the enemy agency of S.H.I.E.L.D. I think I'll just politely tell HYDRA to back off and stay where I am. I'm sure Coulson will give me a raise eventually, I just need to be patient. I dial up the leader of HYDRA, politely decline the job offer, and hang up the phone before he can object further. 

   Daisy lingers in the hallway behind me. "Have you come to a decision Grant?" I whip my head around to face her, gravitating towards her. I wrap my hands around her waist and smile down at her. "I have indeed. I'm staying right here. Being an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D is not only where I need to be but it's where I belong. I have a little family here and my amazing girlfriend. How could I possibly give that up for an agency who overall has horrible motives?" She nods in agreement but smiles at me. "I'm really glad you're staying." She hugs me tightly and I do the same to her. We stay like this for a moment before going back to tell everyone else the good news.

    I let Daisy coax everyone at the beginning and finish up. Fitz and Simmons cheer while May and Coulson nod in approval. I feel like they're my parents to be honest. They feel like all of the younger agents' parents, especially Coulson. He's a badass agent and team leader but he's also one of the kindest souls to walk this earth. We all end up popping up some wine and stand around drinking leisurely for a few hours. We then decide to train while drunk which is a horrible idea that I don't condone for the average person. We look incredibly stupid flailing around like we are but at the same time, it's a great social experiment. We hardly ever get to let loose and have fun like this because we're working just about 24/7. I'm going to remember this moment for years to come. 

Hoped that you guys liked this one shot! :) -Mary

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