Pepperoni #2

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Pepperoni #2

Tony's POV

  I can't tell you both the amount of guilt and relief I'm experiencing at still being alive after the snap. Guilt for surviving even though I really don't deserve to still be among the living but relief that Pepper survived the snap. It was bad enough losing so many of my friends and allies but if I lost her, I would never be able to take the initiative in moving forward. I'm holding Pepper in my arms while letting out of the pent up sadness inside of me. Being able to sob feels better than ever. Imagine bottling up your emotions for weeks on end while being stuck in space with a cyborg like girl that you barely know, not having enough resources to function properly. That was my situation. I only just got back to Earth a few days ago. Today was the first time that I was reunited with Pepper. 

   Steve and I finally called a truce. We can finish our bickering after we restore the universe to its full potential again. Even though half of the world's population is still alive, the world feels so empty. It's crime ridden and people are still fighting over resources despite there being an abundance of resources at the moment. When I'm finally done sobbing, Pepper strokes my face gently, sending chills up my arms and spine. "Tony, I think you need a good ol pep talk from Pepper Potts herself." I chuckle sadly. "Lay it on me, my love." 

    Pepper straightens up and looks at me seriously. "You're freaking Tony Stark, the son of Howard Stark. You're a billionaire, playboy, philanthropist, and genius. You've invented creations that most inventors only dream of inventing. You're also Iron Man, one of the founding Avengers and leaders. You and Steve started the Avengers, rounding up so many gifted individuals to fight alongside. You've brought so many wonderful beings into our lives. At first I was afraid of your superhero life but now, I wouldn't change anything about it. You're my hero Tony, as cheesy as that may sound. You inspire me so much. You're flawed like anyone else but you're the strongest person I've ever met. You've been through so much shit in your life but you still come out on top. You always find a solution to every problem eventually. This problem might be the most major one you've had yet to face, but I have no doubt that you won't find a solution to this problem as well." 

     I look at her in awe, this woman does so many things to me. The love I have for her is unreal and never ending. "I love you so much Pepper. That pep talk was exactly what I needed. Thank you for that doll. Now if you excuse me, I have to team up with the remaining heroes to bring back the departed souls and kick Thanos' ass." Peppers cheers for me, gives me a pat on the back, and a peck on the lips before I step out to begin defending our world once more.

Hoped that you guys liked this one shot! This week is going to be very hectic for me work wise especially Wednesday through Friday so please be patient with me in terms of updates this week. I love you all! <3 :) -Mary 

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