IronStrange #2

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IronStrange #2

Tony's POV

Stephen and I have been together for a little over a year now. I temporarily lost him during Thanos' snap but us remaining Avengers managed to bring everyone back. Peter's aunt may passed away three months ago so the two of us decided to adopt him. Peter has always been like a son to me and Stephen has grown fond of him too. We're a slightly dysfunctional family but a family nonetheless. All of the other Avengers are like aunts and uncles to Peter with a few exceptions like Shuri and Wanda, they're more like sisters to him. 

   Stephen juggles his time between Stark Tower and the Sanctum. Him and Wong have a sworn oath to protect the time stone and monitor the various realms to ensure there are no threats of danger open other worlds or this one. Stephen is over here at the tower to have dinner with me and Peter. He's a workaholic just like myself. He's been working so hard all week long without stopping for breath. I'm cooking the three of us stir fried rice, pork, and steamed broccoli for dinner. 

   Stephen stumbles into the room tiredly. He sits down on a barstool immediately. "Dinner smells good. What are you cooking Tony?" I smile at him. "Hello my sexy beast, I'm making quite an assortment for dinner. Stir fried rice, pork, and steamed broccoli. If you and Peter want dessert like I know I will, we have raspberry gelato." Stephen smirks at me. "You and your intense love of ethnic food. Always having to one up the competition and making a variety of food to eat in a single meal." I bow playfully. "You're welcome for being blessed by both my cooking and my presence." 

    The food is ready to eat about a half an hour later. Stephen summons Peter into the kitchen for dinner. Peter grins at me. "Hey dad, hey Stephen. How's it going?" Stephen beams at him. "We're doing okay, just tired from work is all. How are you? I hope you're been keeping up with your homework load. Tony tells me that sometimes you slack off a bit due to having video game tournaments with Ned." He blushes sheepishly and scratches the back of his neck. "I'm all caught up on last week's homework. I'm getting there, I promise." I nod, that's progress for sure. Peter is such an intelligent boy, he just isn't overly fond of school. I never was either despite being a genius. 

    We all eat dinner in content, each of us talking about our days aloud. All of which are positive reports. All three of us end up craving raspberry gelato so we all scoop up a decent sized plate of it for each of us. Peter volunteers to help me wash the dishes. "Dad, are you and Stephen going to get married one day?" The sudden mention of the topic causes me to drop a plate, that plate shattering to the floor. I mutter a series of curses under my breath while stooping down to clean it up. Stephen appears suddenly over me. "Tony, are you okay? I heard the sound of something shattering, that something I now realize is a plate." He bends down and helps me pick up the pieces. 

     "I heard Peter ask you if we were getting married eventually. That kid thinks he's quiet but he's far from it. That question probably surprised you enough to drop that plate. Am I right?" I nod and look away sheepishly. "Tony, there's not need to feel embarrassed. I would love to get married to you one day, I'm just not one to rush a relationship. Out of curiosity, what are your feelings on marriage... especially with me?" I take a deep breath. "I'd love to get married to you too one day Stephen. I'm just not ready for marriage yet myself." He nods. "Then it's settled my love, one day at a time." I nod back. "Yes love, one day at a time." 

Hoped that you guys liked this one shot! :) -Mary

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