ScienceBros/IronHulk #1

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ScienceBros/IronHulk #1

Bruce's POV

 I hate developing romantic feelings towards anyone. I haven't feelings for anyone since Betty and look how that turned out. All of the Avengers have been egging me on for awhile to get back into the dating world and I just haven't had much of an interesting in doing so. The real truth though is that I have my heart set on someone already... Tony. I developed these weird feelings for him a few months ago and they've been eating me alive ever since. I want to tell him how I feel so badly but he's still trying to figure things out with Pepper. They announced to the world a month ago that they were taking a break from their relationship. It shocked everyone because they were even engaged at the time. I don't know what they are now and neither do they. I would hate to be the person to ruin a relationship/engagement. 

    Tony and I have been slaving away in the lab this past month more than usual. Working in the lab is a good distraction for Tony. It's also a good distraction for me too. When I'm not working in the lab or on the battlefield fighting as Hulk, I'm constantly plagued by loneliness. My mental demons come to the surface and terrorize me as much as possible. I don't get a suit of armor like Tony, I'm always exposed. I may be the monster on the team but I'm also the most vulnerable. Isn't that ironic? Tony looks like crap right now. The bags under his eyes are nearly black, making him look like a panda bear. 

      It seems like Tony hasn't slept in days. I haven't slept well in years but him and Pepper's temporary/possibly permanent split is bothering him more than he cares to admit. "Tony, you're not okay. You may be able to fool everyone else on the team but not me. I'm your best friend, I can tell you're hurting over Pepper." He tries to take a swig of Jack Daniels and I grab it away from him. "I'm not letting you drink when you're extremely sleep deprived and depressed Tony. Alcohol only does more damage for you when you're in this state." Tony looks at me with slight hatred. I try not to take it personally but it still stings. 

        "Bruce, stop trying to pretend like you're not a villain at times. We're more alike than people think. Let me have my damn alcohol." He lunges at me and I restrain him against the wall, green veins popping out of my neck and forward. "Tony, I'm trying to look out for you. Do you really want to bring out the big guy and have a fight over this?" Tony smirks. "Bring it on." He punches me in the face hard and that's all it takes for the big guy to make his appearance. I have no control anymore. Hulk's at the wheel and I'm simply in the passenger's seat. The fight goes on for a little while and the lab is destroyed beyond belief. Tony eventually puts his hands up in surrender while lying on the ground like a broken rag doll. Hulk satisfied with this allows me to shift back into myself. 

        I panic when I realize that I've broken one of Tony's arms, his left one to be exact. He's clutching it and gritting his teeth in pain. I immediately help carry him to the infirmary so they can treat it properly. Whatever anger I felt towards Tony is gone. The only person I'm angry at now is myself. I can't believe I hurt Tony like this. "T-Tony, I'm so sorry. Hulk took over as per usual. He seemed a lot angrier than usual. I don't know what came over him. I promise I'll stay away from you for awhile if you want me to. I'll pay for a majority of the damage to the lab as well. As Tony gets lifted onto an infirmary bed where nurses and doctors begin tending to his broken arm immediately, he swats my concern away with his uninjured arm. "I'll pay for the damage to the lab, you'll pay for my medical treatment."

       I nod. "That's a fair trade off. Do you want me to go or stay?" Tony looks at me with heartfelt, raw emotion for the first time all day. "I want you to stay. I don't want to be alone right now." That's code for "I don't trust myself enough to be alone right now." I respect his wishes and stay with him all evening well into the night. The nurses and doctors had to pop his arm back into place. The gut wrenching scream that came out of his mouth nearly broke me. I had to do everything not to sob when hearing it. They then put his arm into a sling. He has to stay in the infirmary overnight for observational purposes. He can leave in the morning but has to come back in a few days to get a proper cast for it. 

        "Bruce, I love you." I look at him in absolute shock. "H-How do you love me Tony?" Tony smirks at me, reminding me of his usual self. "You know how, don't play coy on me Bruce." I bite my lip to the point where it bleeds. A bit of blood lands in my mouth and gives it a bitter taste. "Tony, you still love Pepper. Are you sure you're being rational right now? You haven't slept in four days as of midnight." He rolls his eyes at me. "I don't have to be well rested to be aware of my feelings. I love you Bruce. I want you to be my man." I blush intensely and hide my face in my hands. "It's cute when you try to hide from me Brucey. So come on, what do you say? Would you want to date dear ol me?" I smile at him shyly. "I would love to but you need to promise me one thing. When you're better, you're going to tell Pepper the truth." He nods and finally drifts off to sleep. I kiss him on the forehead before leaving the infirmary to let him sleep soundly. 

Hoped that you guys liked this one shot! :) -Mary 

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