Thruce #1

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Thruce #1 

Thor's POV

  I'm currently sitting on a bench by myself, trying to cope with the fact that half of the world's population as been decimated. Thanos won... the bastard actually completed his goal. The world's mightiest heroes weren't able to stop him, some team we are. I hate being as weak as I currently feel but all I want to do is cry. Everyone has lost so much but I've lost more than any of them combined. I have no one left, no one. My shoulders begin to shake and my hands tremble as sobs slip out of my mouth. I'm too depressed to cover my sobbing up. I don't see the point in masking my pain any longer. 

     A light touch on my shoulder is enough to cause me to jump ten feet off of the bench. I breathe a sigh of relief when I realize that it's just Bruce. "O-Oh hi Bruce, what's up?" Bruce looks at me with pure sadness in his eyes. "Thor, you're not okay. You shouldn't be alone right now. No one should be quite frankly." He sits down beside me and loops a hand with mine. "Banner, I just said something ridiculous in my mind a few minutes ago. I said I had no one left but that's wrong, I have one person left. I have you." He blushes before squeezing my hands tightly. "Thor,  I need to tell you something. I can't wait any longer because who knows what'll happen to us tomorrow... I love you." 

       Those three words shake me to the core. Another wave of emotion hits me, this time it's admiration. "Really? How could anyone love me? I'm a broken fool." He gasps. "Thor you may be broken but you're no fool. You are the strongest being I've ever met and not just physically. Emotionally and mentally, you're far stronger than I'll ever be. Please don't call yourself a fool ever again. If anything, I'm the fool. I'm part green, rage monster who gets angry over silly things. People adore you but they fear me... that's not a comforting feeling to bear." I look at him with disgust, not directed at him though but at society. "Screw them, I love you too. All we need at the end of the day is each other."

        My voice cracks unfortunately. "Please promise me that I won't lose you for a very long time?" Bruce takes us both by surprise by pulling my face to his to share a loving kiss. "I promise to do everything in my power for me not to die for a very long time. I still have a lot of years left in me. Plus we need to tell our story which is only just the beginning for us. I want to work together to bring back our loved ones and half of the population that dusted to ash. When we do, I want to declare my love for you publicly, even shouting it from the rooftops in that cliche way that romance movies often showcase. From there, I hope to one day be your husband." 

        I don't think I've ever seen Bruce be so confident, it's such a turn on. It's enough to get me to stop feeling sorry for myself and join him in beginning to find a solution to this nightmare situation. 

Hoped that you guys liked this one shot! :) -Mary 

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