FuryHill #2

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FuryHill #2

Nick's POV

I'm currently having my first date in ages with Maria Hill. I've had a thing for her for years now. I think she knew but was too polite to mock me about it. I think she had feelings for me too, we've had chemistry since the very first day she started working as an agent for S.H.I.E.L.D. Besides Coulson and myself, she's the best S.H.I.E.L.D agent of all time. A better way to phrase is that the three of us are the best S.H.I.E.L.D agents in the entire organization. I treated Maria to a fine meal at a new French restaurant in Brooklyn. It's very low key despite being a high end restaurant. 

    I look over the menu carefully since I'm somewhat of a picky eater. I end up ordering a hot tea for a drink, snails as an appetizer for Maria and I to split, and ginseng pasta as my main course. She orders a meatloaf and side Caesar salad for her main course. We happily chat away until the food arrives. We both squirm after each eating a couple of snails. It's safe to say that neither of us ever plan on eating snails again, it's one of those one and done experiences. I don't regret making the effort to try some though. "Nick, we should go to the Brooklyn Bridge for a bit after we're done here. It looks beautiful at night. I haven't been on it in months." I nod in agreement. "That sounds lovely Maria."

     We eat our main courses in content, skip dessert because we're both full, and head to the Brooklyn Bridge. Like many local residents and tourists alike, we sit down on the bridge itself when we get there, dangling our legs into the open air. We pose for a few pictures on Maria's phone (who knows what she does with those pictures) and enjoy the amazing view. There's nothing like seeing the city at night. I mean it's decent during the day but at night, it almost feels magical. Hearing cars honk at one another and seeing all of the bright lights is appreciated more at night. The city is alive in the best possible way. It's truly one of the cities that never sleeps. 

      The wind whips Maria's hair in her face and I chuckle, brushing it out of her face with one of my hands. "You're a little windblown there." She rolls her eyes playfully. "Not all of us aspire to be bald Nick." I grin. "True but it feels very clean up there. I'm basically the black version of Mr. Clean. I even have his muscles and everything, the only difference is I'm older." Maria smiles from ear to ear. "That's a good one." I wrap an arm around her and we continue to gaze out at the city. I could stay like this forever to be honest but I know that both of us are needed back at HQ soon. We let the moment linger for as long as possible before finally heading back to HQ for the night. All I can say is what a night. 

Hoped that you guys liked this one shot! :) -Mary

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