SkyeWard #1

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SkyeWard #1

Daisy's POV

 Grant Ward, what a fine specimen. He's perfect in every single way. He was once an innocent man until he became corrupted by HYDRA. Now I'm forced to fight against him in battle and simply love him from afar. Loving him up close is intoxicating in the worst way. Everyone at S.H.I.E.L.D. (especially Coulson and May) keep telling me to move on. My head knows they're probably right but my heart is saying otherwise. I've always been known to make decisions based off of what I feel in my heart. 

   I watch him pace the lobby of HYDRA's main base, most likely scheming to himself. He seems quite nervous for someone who usually knows what he's doing. I decide to approach him now while he's vulnerable. I might get him to see the light in a moment when he's at his lowest. "Ward." His head shoots up immediately. "Daisy, what are you doing here?" "You know my new name now? I guess you heard it through the grapevine." He smirks. "It suits you despite it's frilly nature." I sigh. "I miss you. I know you're supposed to be my enemy but I can't find it in me to hate you." 

      His expression softens. "I can't hate you either. In fact, I freaking love you so much Daisy. Why don't we just run away temporarily and talk this through? I don't want us to be the enemies." I smile softly. "I'd like that." I let him take a hold of my hand, him leading us out into the night. We run as far as our feet will take us before taking shelter in a dingy hotel for the night. Rather than having sex like you pervs might assume that we are, we stay up all night talking in bed while cuddling. We come to a resolution in order to make our relationship work. We'll play pretend enemies while working for our organizations but if things go really south, we'll take a risk of our covers and protect one another from danger. For example, if his director orders for him to kill me for some reason, he would protect me and quit HYDRA on the spot. The same would go for me with S.H.I.E.L.D. 

        I stare at his perfect facial features before drifting off to sleep in his arms. I'm so happy to have Grant Ward back in my life again. It'll either be the biggest blessing or worst nightmare, I guess we'll find out in due time. I'm going to consider it a blessing for the time being.

Hoped that you guys liked this one shot! I know it's on the shorter side, but I wanted to get an update in because the next one won't be for at least two or three more days. :) -Mary 


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