Mantrax #1

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Mantrax #1

Mantis' POV

 I'm learning so much from my new companion Drax. I've learned what jokes are including pranks. He told me that Rocket was a dog and when I tried to pet him, he attempted to bite me. It turns out that Rocket is a raccoon. They're really interesting and strange creatures. Apparently most of them eat out of trash cans too except for ones like Rocket that is. Anyways, I'm getting side tracked. Drax is about to teach me another lesson. I'm so excited! *Squeals*

  While teaching me the next lesson which happens to be the difference between compliments and insults, Drax and I end up having an actual conversation for once, one that is actually meaningful. I look at him seriously. "Ego found me when I was in my larva state and an orphan in my home world. He raised me by hand and kept me as his own." Drax raises an eyebrow at me. "So you're a pet?" I shrug my shoulders. "I suppose." "People usually go for cute pets, why would Ego go for such a hideous one?" I look at him in confusion. "I'm hideous?" "You're horrifying to look at, yes."

   I look down at the ground in sadness. He can sense my sadness and quickly finds a way to try to make me feel better. "But that's a good thing." I raise my head and say "Oh." "When someone is ugly but they love you, you know they love for who you are. Beautiful people never know who or how to trust. You often can't even trust them yourself." I light up like a light. "Well then, I'm certainly grateful to be ugly." There's a moment of silence before Drax breaks it. "Those pools, they remind me of a time when I took my daughter to the forgotten lakes of my home world. She was like you." I laugh. "Disgusting?" He sighs. "Innocent." 

    I can feel sadness beginning to radiate off of him so I reach out and touch his shoulder as a method of comfort. I begin reading his emotions and start crying. The sadness is overwhelming me. Thanos killed his wife and children with his bare hands. If I experienced such heavy losses like he did, I don't know how I'd be able to cope with it. "Drax, you're very brave." He looks at me with a slightly smug look but an overall sincere one. "Thank you, I appreciate that. Some days, I don't know how I'm still standing either. I guess the main reason is finding a family in my friends and fellow Guardians of the Galaxy. Peter Quill, Gamora, Rocket, and Groot. Hopefully you'll join us as well. We could use a more innocent force to fight on our team." 

     I smile at him. "I'd like that." We stay in this moment for a little while longer, sitting side by side, our fingertips toying with one another. Our fingers than loop with one another, indicating the beginning of a special bond between us. After all of this time, I finally have a friend and his name is Drax.

Hoped that you guys liked this one shot! :) -Mary

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