FrostIron #2

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FrostIron #2

Tony's POV

 I ended up making the insane decision to let Loki have a drink with me at my bar up in Stark Tower despite all of the chaos going on around us in the city. There is a massive Chitauri invasion going on both in the streets and in the sky. These creatures are both destructive and powerful. Just not powerful enough to win over the Avengers. I'm keeping Loki distracted so that the others will have a good shot at winning this battle. Also, following the others has never been my style. Sure I can do the whole time work shabang, but I prefer being a solo act for certain endeavors.

   "So Loki, what do you plan to do after this battle is over, assuming Thor won't take you back to Asgard and you'll spend the rest of your days behind bars? I don't quite know how time works in Asgard but I'm sure you'd be in prison there a lot longer than you would be here on Earth." He grins wickedly at me. "I pity you Stark. You think those Avengers are your friends and that they care about you. You're wrong. Neither does that pretty little thing you're shacking it up with. What's her name again? Pepper? What an interesting name for a woman..." I tense up a bit. "Don't you dare talk about Pepper in vain. She is the best assistant I've ever had and is very dear to my heart." 

      He leans a little too close to me and I can feel his breath on the back of my neck. "Yes that may be but she'll never be in love with you. She'll never give you want you truly desire." I roll my eyes to the back of my head. "If you know so much about me, then tell me. What do I truly desire?" He smirks and begins... kissing my neck. I'm startled but I don't exactly shoo him away either. "You want someone who can match your intensity. Someone who will side with you on certain matters but also isn't afraid to go against you on others. You want someone who can fill your heart with love but also bring out your inner beast. We all have one, regardless of whether we define ourselves as heroes or villains."

        I'm getting really turned on right now... shit. I try to pretend like I'm not but I'm failing big time. Before I let logic get the best of me, I smash my lips onto his. We have the most heated kiss I've ever experienced in my life. When we pull apart, I come to the obvious conclusion that I have significant feelings for the enemy. This is only probably going to go down in flames but oh well, nothing has ever been easy for me and I don't shy away from a challenge.

Hoped that you guys liked this one shot! :) -Mary 

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