WinterWidow #1

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WinterWidow #1

Bucky's POV

 I'm currently on at a stingy bar in the heart of Moscow with Steve and Natasha. The three of us are drinking away our sorrows. We all have a lot of secret pain we have to hide for long periods of time due to who we are. When Natasha gets up to go to the bathroom, Steve looks at me seriously. "You need to tell her Bucky. I can tell that it's killing you on the inside about not being able to tell her how you feel. What's the worst that could happen? So she says no, rejection sucks but at least you'd be able to move forward either way." I sigh. "You're right." I down another shot of tequila before she comes back to the bar.

    When she sits down, I stand up in front of her. She looks at me weirdly but doesn't stop me. "Date me." Her head tilts to the side in confusion. "Bucky, what the hell is going on? You're drunk, you don't know what you're talking about." "First of all, I'm only slightly drunk. Second of all, I mean what I'm saying. I have a thing for you. There's obvious chemistry between us. Why not go on a date sometime to explore that further?" A moment of silence passes and Steve intervenes. "Come on Nat, I know you like Bucky. You tell me about how much you like him all the time." That causes a smile to form to my face. Now I have a chance, thank you Steve. 

      Nat blushes and looks at me shyly. "He's not wrong, I do talk about you a lot. You're right, there is chemistry between us. What the hell, one date won't hurt right? We'll see where it leads after that." I nod, satisfied with that answer. The three of us then get drunk off of our asses. The three of us get kicked out of the bar for being too rowdy but none of us care. As we walk the streets of Moscow, both Natasha and I feel at home. Despite some bad memories here in Russia, this is also where we formed our roots. Steve looks like a lost puppy and it's adorable. He's trying to let Nat and I have a few moments. I feel bad, being a third wheel is never fun. He includes me all the time in group functions so I'm making sure to return the favor. 

      "What a nice summer night it is, isn't it Steve?" "It sure is Buck. Say, why don't we go for a night swim in the lake?" I grin. "I like your thinking my friend." I turn to Nat. "I would personally love to see you go skinny dipping. If you do, I'll do it with you." She smirks at me. "You're so on." The three of us run into the lake, Nat and I naked and Steve shirtless. The water feels so good on our bodies in this summer heat. I'm pretty sure we've scared away all of the fish due to how noisy we're being but oh well. What a night to remember this is. 

Hoped that you guys liked this one shot! I'm pumped to see Captain Marvel tomorrow! Be sure to let me know your thoughts on it. :) -Mary

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