Tebula/Tony and Nebula #1

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Tebula/Tony and Nebula #1

Nebula's POV

 It's strange being stuck on a spaceship with only one other being that I know next to nothing about. Apparently though, he's one of the leaders of the Avengers. Despite my slight doubts, I believe him. He's very persuasive that way. This being's name by the way is Tony Stark. His Avengers alias name is Iron Man. His suit is quite impressive but unfortunately was destroyed when Thanos attacked on Titan. Tony is still recovering from his stab wounds. Thanos sure did quite a number on us, as well as the world in general. Half of the world's population ceases to exist and the rest of us are left wondering how to hell to undo this damage. 

    I glance over at Tony is passed out cold in a bunk bed. I sigh and cover him up with a few blankets. Even though he's kind of cocky at times, he's a very lovable guy. He hasn't slept in days and needs the rest. I take over where he left off with his work. He's working on a teleportation device that would help us transport ourselves back to Earth, which is where Tony is needed right now. I study the implications of it carefully before experimenting with different materials to finish the job. 

Time Skip... Well into the night...

 I manage to complete the device and have it up and running. The murmurs from the device are loud enough to wake up Tony. He stirs and slowly wakes up, looking at me in confusion. "What's going on Nebula?" I smirk at him. "I finished the teleportation device that you started. You're welcome." He leaps out of bed and stumbles into my arms. Since we're the same height, I'm gazing directly into his face. "You good Tony?" He nods and slowly gets out of my arms. Some part of me is disappointed by the lack of contact between the two of us. I brush that thought aside and focus on demonstrating the teleportation device's abilities to Tony. As I go through all of the basic functions, he nods along with everything that I'm saying. "Well done Nebula. Thank you for finishing the device for me. Shall we test it out together?"

      He extends a hand for me to take. I loop my hand in his and together the two of us step through the portal, hoping to land somewhere on Earth. The portal causes our bodies to go a bit haywire during the teleportation process but it ends up being a success because we do indeed land somewhere on Earth. I look around a bit trying to decipher our location. Tony grins at me. "We're in upstate New York, not too far from Avengers HQ. Nebula, we did it!" He throws his arms around me, giving me a tight hug. I hug him back awkwardly because I don't want to injure him further. The two of us trudge the remaining miles to Avengers HQ and when we get there, the remaining Avengers are stunned to see us both alive. 

      Rocket steps out from behind Thor. "Figures you would survive the snap and none of the other Guardians would." I snort. "Nice to see you again too Rocket. I'm glad to know the most cynical Guardian besides myself survived the snap." He grunts and goes back to talking to Thor. Tony is the main center of attention though. Everyone showers him with praise, several of them sobbing into his arms. I wish I were as valued as he is. I make myself busy by meeting another new arrival to HQ. Her name is Carol Danvers and her superhero alias is Captain Marvel. Her personality is similar to mine and her powers are awesome. I might be able to have a friend in her. 

     When Tony is done reuniting with his teammates for the night, he comes to find me. "Nebula, there you are. I've been looking for you for a couple of hours now. Have you been in here this whole time?" Carol nods. "Yeah her and I have been getting to know each other. She's a fellow badass like myself." He grins. "Yeah she is. Can I have a word alone with her though?" Carol winks at me and pats me on the shoulder before leaving the room. "Nebula, I love you." I look at him in shock. "Wait what?" He gulps and repeats it again, the words "I love you" being as clear as day. I bite my lip. "I love you too Tony. Spending so much time with you on the ship made me develop feelings for you. If my sister Gamora were here, she'd tease me endlessly about it." 

       Tony hums in agreement. "So would all of the remaining Avengers. What do you say Nebula? Will you be my girlfriend?" I dip him over my knee and make out with me passionately. I then gently lift him back up, looking him straight in the eyes. "Is my answer loud and clear?" He's blushing like a tomato which makes me highly satisfied with my actions. "Yes Ma'am."

Hoped that you guys liked this one shot! :) -Mary


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