ThorDanvers #2

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ThorDanvers #2

Thor's POV

 Carol and I have been dating for a few months now and it's been great... up until recently that is. Carol has been acting distant for the last few weeks. Like she'll talk to me of course and is friendly enough but yet seems to be so far away mentally. I think it's time for her and I to have a heart to heart. She's currently training with Nat, the two of them have become very close friends since her and I started dating. I politely barge into the room. "I'm sorry to interrupt your training session but I really need to speak to Carol. It's urgent and can't wait." Nat smiles understandingly and Carol makes her way over to me.

    "What's going on Thor? You've never interrupted one of my training sessions before unless it's to join in as a sparring partner." I pull her off to the side and sigh. "I should be asking you that same question Carol, of what's going on I mean. You've been distant for weeks. I can tell your heart isn't really into our relationship as much. Tell me the truth, what's going on?" I can see her tough expression soften. "It's not you Thor, it's me. I've recently come to a shocking revelation about myself. I've been wanting to tell you but I've been afraid of hurting you. You're a wonderful person and one of the best people I've ever met. If I tell you, I hope you don't hate me for it."

     My stomach does a series of flips but I nod, allowing her to continue to speaking. "Thor, I'm a lesbian. Meaning that I'm attracted romantically and sexually to women only. You're a very attractive man, anyone would be stupid not to notice that about you. I don't have a crush on anyone else. I never cheated on you. I'm not a cheater, cheaters are pathetic. I just wanted to be honest with you before things got too serious between us. I didn't want to make this confession at a family dinner or any other public spectacle." I take a moment to absorb her confession. I'm shocked but I do appreciate her honesty. "Carol, love is love. You have every right to love who you want to love and to hell with anyone that tells you otherwise. You're still one of my best friends and I'm not going anywhere. I'm a bit saddened to hear this but I'll get over it. Your happiness is the most important thing."

    Carol gently hugs me. "Thank you Thor. Thank you for not hating me and accepting me for who I am. I'm not going anywhere other than on missions of course. If you need me, you can come to me anytime. Don't feel hesitant to do so just because we're no longer a couple. Okay?" I nod. "Okay Carol. I'll let you back to training with Nat. Have fun and see you at dinner." We share one more hug before parting ways. Although it sucks to have split up with Carol, I can tell by our conversation that it won't change our bond between us. 

Hoped that you guys liked this one shot! I hardly ever get to post twice in one day but a miracle has happened. I'm doing round two of Endgame tomorrow. Wish me luck!  :) -Mary

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