Mysterine/Mystique x Wolverine #2

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Mysterine/Mystique x Wolverine #2

Mystique's POV

 Logan is the most incredible man I've ever met. Out of all of the mutants he could have chose to be with, he chose me. I honestly thought he was going to choose Jean Grey. I knew that she had a huge crush on Logan for years. She was shattered when him and I got together a couple months ago. She's just finally starting to come around to being friends with both of us again. She's a lovely girl though and I hope she finds someone who fancies her more than life itself.  She deserves that given everything she's been through in her life. 

   Logan and I are currently taking a stroll in the park, holding hands like normal couples do. I'm in my human form so I don't scare any humans off. I'm comfortable in my own skin but I know that having that mindset can put people off. Logan smiles at me. "Mystique, I like your human form but your normal form is even more beautiful. You're the perfect shade of blue and your red hair contrasts with your skin color so well. Have you ever noticed that about yourself?" I feel the heat rush to my cheeks, causing me to blush. "N-No, I don't tend to notice that about myself. Thank you for noticing though." He chuckles. "You're very welcome my love. Isn't this weather just perfect?"

     He then picks up a rock, does a double take at the lake, and skips the rock. I've always found that activity to be interesting but never was good at it. I do a whistle of approval on his behalf. "That was impressive Logan. I've tried skipping rocks a few times and I'm not good at it." He looks at me curiously. "What if I told you that we could change that?" I look at him in confusion but allow him to take hold of my hands, positioning me into a rock throwing stance. When he does, the two of us in unison end up skipping a rock successfully on the first try. I look up and grin at me. "You helped me conquer rock skipping, thank you!" I give him a crushing hug. A couple of people say "Awwwww" causing Logan to blush. 

      The two of us walk around the park a little bit more before the sun begins to set, making it time to head back home. This was a lovely date that I enjoyed very much with the man I love. 

Hoped that you guys liked this one shot! :) -Mary

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