Thruce #2

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Thruce #2

Bruce's POV

 I'm not even sure how to describe the feelings that I'm feeling towards Thor. I wouldn't say I'm in love with him but I definitely feel like he's more than a friend to me. This is silly of me to like him, he's immortal and I'm not. My life span is significantly shorter than his. For crying out loud, I'm already starting to get gray hairs. I feel like an old man even though I'm only in my late forties, forty eight to be exact. Stress has taken a toll on me over the last few years. Joining the Avengers was one of the best decisions I've ever made but it's increased my sleepless nights by tenfold. 

   I just can't stop thinking about Thor. I wish there was a switch to shut those thoughts off but these isn't. He's just so handsome and his personality is endearing. We're currently having a movie night but I can't focus on the movie, only on Thor. The only person who seems to pick up on me staring at Thor a lot is Clint of all person. He smirks at me every time I do so. About an hour into the movie, he announces that him and I are going to take a bathroom break for a moment. I let him drag me down the hall to have a chat. "Care to tell me why you keep staring at Thor so much? You're having one way eye sex with the man." I bite my lip and look away shyly. "It's no big deal Clint, please don't make it a big deal."

     His expression softens when he sees how hard I'm trying to mask my anxiety. "It's not a big deal, you're right Bruce. I'm sorry for coming across as a wise guy. I can tell that you like Thor and I want to help you somehow. Will you let me help you? I think he likes you too. Ever since the two of you were in space together for all of those months, he hasn't been able to stop talking about you and the adventures the two of you had together. That definitely means something my book." I sigh and nod. "Okay, just don't do anything stupid." He snorts. "You got it boss." Clint and I flush the toilet a couple of times to make it seem like we actually went to the bathroom before going back to watch the movie. 

     Thor and Clint make eye contact briefly. Clint winks at me when he's not looking and sits down right beside Thor. He whispers in his ear. I try my best to make out what he's saying but can't. A moment later, Thor is sitting down right next to me. Nat moves over to make room for him. My heart begins pounding in my chest how close he's sitting to me. His thigh is right up against mine. I feel an erection coming on but I make sure my little buddy doesn't spike up. "Banner, has anyone ever told you how cute you are?" He says it out loud where everyone can hear him. All eyes turn to me, they all want to see how I react to this random outburst. 

     I clear my throat and give him a small smile. "Not very often no but that's very sweet of you to say Thor. Thank you." He beams at me happily. "You're very welcome. I pride myself on speaking the whole truth and nothing but the truth." I then grab a hold of one of his hands and squeeze it gently when everyone's attention is back towards the movie. Clint winks at me and I wink back. There's no official label here, but it's definitely the start of a new relationship with Thor and I'm ready for it. I'm not going to run away from love again, those days are behind me.

Hoped that you guys liked this one shot! :) -Mary 

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