Thorkyrie #2

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Thorkyrie #2

Thor's POV

 I've never been happier to see Valkyrie again as I am right now. With half of the world's population having been decimated at the hands of Thanos, I had no clue whether or not she survived the snap. Seeing her in front of my very eyes confirms that she is very much alive. I'm truly grateful. We need all hands on deck right now and Valkyrie is one of the fiercest warriors I've ever met. Her, Natasha, and Okoye would make an epic female warrior trio. I should pitch that idea sometime. I'd probably get a few brownie points from Tony and Steve. They've been the true leaders of the Avengers for many years now. 

   Valkyrie looks the same in the face but her hair has grown longer. I can see the pain hidden in her eyes though. Her pain mirrors my own, the only difference is I haven't been able to properly grieve between being here at Avengers HQ and trying to track down the very few remaining Asgardians. Maybe Valkyrie can clear the air for me in regards to that. "Valkyrie, I'm so glad you're alive. I'd ask you how you're doing but I think that would be a stupid question to ask right now." She laughs gravely. "Same goes to you Thor. Have you been allowed to have any time to grieve?" I shake my head no. "Being a king and a God that the world constantly looks to for guidance doesn't give me much time to embrace my human side." 

    Valkyrie pulls me in for a hug. "I hope you get the chance to grieve soon. Keeping all of those negative emotions, especially sadness, pent up inside is never good. You're going to explode if you don't let it out soon." I look at her and without me realizing it, a tear slips down my cheek. One tear turns into several which ends up becoming a waterfall of tears. Valkyrie holds me while I cry. I'm a bit embarrassed to be crying in front of her and several of my friends but I know that she's right, letting out these emotions does feel good in the long run. She even rubs my back in circles, a gesture I've always been quite fond of. Loki used to do it a lot to me when we were close as children. I've missed having that kind of contact with someone I care about. 

    When we pull apart, she places both of her hands on my shoulders. "Thor, you're going to be okay. I know you've experienced more loss than anyone else on this team but I'm here for you. You still have several living friends, both old and new. We're going to fight both with you and for you. We're going to kick Thano's ass and bring everyone back, at least those that disappeared in the snap. I love you Thor, I need you to stay strong. Okay?" I gasp but smile shyly. "You love me?" This time, she blushes. "Don't make me say it again because I know you heard me the first time." I grin at her. "I love you too Valkyrie. Thank you for coming back to us, to me." Our bodies gravitate towards one another, our lips very much enjoying our first kiss. I would consider us a couple now but I'll save that talk for another day. We obviously have more pressing matters to attend to first. 

 "Valkyrie, are there still a few of us out there?" She nods. "Not many but there are a few remaining Asgardians. They're taking refugee in an empty warehouse not to far from Avengers HQ actually. I'll take you to visit them soon. They miss their king." I hold a hand over my heart and sigh. "I miss them too." In my mind though, I have a small shred of hope that although we lost the battle, we just might win the war. 

Hope that you guys liked this one shot! :) -Mary 

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