Avengers: After the Endgame...

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Avengers: After the Endgame...

Writer's POV

 After the Endgame, the Avengers finally got that much deserved break. Clint was reunited with his family and gets to be a father for awhile. Bruce is living the best of both worlds still as Professor Hulk, working under Nick Fury at S.H.I.E.L.D. Thor is saving the galaxy with the Guardians of the Galaxy, occasionally visiting his friends on Earth. Valkyrie is ruling over the people of New Asgard excellently. She summons Thor whenever she needs advice, but that's pretty rare because she is very sure of herself. That's why she was the right person for the job according to Thor. The people there respect her a lot. 

   T'Challa, Shuri, and their mother are ruling over Wakanda with grace. Okoye is still the general of their main army. The Guardians of the Galaxy are on the hunt for the past version of Gamora. They miss her terribly, especially Peter. Wanda and Vision got their happy ending once and for all, that is after Shuri found his corpse in Wakanda and resurrected him with both her genius intellect and technology. Somehow, against the odds, Wanda and Vision are expecting twin boys. Both of them are thrilled to be able to start a family. Bucky and Sam are roaming the world together, Sam having taken over the mantle of Captain America. Right now though, he just wanted to spend some time with his dear friend. 

    Doctor Strange and Wong are protecting the Sanctum in New York. Carol Danvers is watching over the entire galaxy, traveling to wherever she is needed the most. Each one of us gets to see her at some point which is nice. Peter Parker is back to being the friendly neighborhood Spiderman and high school student (soon to be graduating). Steve made it on time for his date for Peggy and finally got to live the life that he has always dreamed of with his true love. Natasha and Tony are both resting peacefully in heaven, both of them making brave sacrifices to save the world. They've certainly earned their right to peace. Pepper, Rhodey, and Happy are all raising Morgan together. She misses her father but doesn't quite grasp the situation entirely. She watches recordings of Tony often and they seem so real to her. One day though, she'll come to realize sadly that her dad is no longer around. Hopefully she'll realize though that she does have many people alive still that are raising her and love her unconditionally. 

    Hope and Scott are back to raising Cassie and being superheroes at the same time. They wanted to take a break from the superhero life but the superhero life denied them of that request. Maybe one day they'll get that break. For now, they just have to keep on fighting. Whatever it takes, right? 

Hoped that you guys liked this one shot series as much as I enjoyed writing it! :) -Mary 


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