Stucky #1

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Stucky #1

Steve's POV

  I may be one of the two leaders of the Avengers but there's one team member that doesn't see how great he really is, my dear Bucky. Bucky and I have been friends forever but recently, we became more than that. Everyone knew that I was gay which didn't bother me all that much but I was hesitant to make a move on Bucky because I wasn't sure how he would feel about it. When I finally got the balls to at least ask him what his sexuality was, he smirked at me and said "Steve Rogers." That's all it took for me to realize that he had the hots for me just as much as I did for him. 

   Bucky has settled into the Avengers quite well. Tony is still standoffish towards him at times but he doesn't hate his guts. I consider that progress in itself. Maybe one day he'll finally come to terms with that the fact that even though physically Bucky was one who murdered his parents, mentally it was HYDRA. HYDRA influenced him to do so many evil things that I know Bucky would never do willingly. Bruce and Tony were able to erase any traces of HYDRA left in his mind a few months ago. 

    Bucky is currently sitting by the window, staring at the marvelous view we have of the city up here. I smile to myself before joining him. "The view never gets old, does it Buck?" He grins at me. "I feel like you have a hidden microchip installed in some part of my body, giving you the exact location of where I am. You always know where to find me." I chuckle. "In over a hundred years, you haven't considered that the fact that maybe I just know you better than anyone else." My eyes soften as they gaze upon his face deeply. "I love you Buck. You know that right?" His smirk shifts into a more soft facial expression as well. "I know you do Steve, I never doubted that for a second. I love you too." 

     I lean for a kiss which he gladly reciprocates. It starts off innocent but quickly becomes more passionate. The hundred years of history between us radiate so intensely in this kiss that it nearly knocks the wind out of me when we pull apart. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice Bruce standing behind us but not right on top of us. "Do you need something Bruce?" He clears his throat and shifts from foot to foot awkwardly. "I'm sorry to break up your moment but I wanted to tell you both that Tony has some new implants for Bucky's arm that he might like. Come down to the lab when you get the chance." With that, he leaves and lets us have our moment a bit longer. After our moment, the curiosity gets us both and we venture down to the lab. 

      Both of us are impressed with the implants Tony has created for Bucky's arm. They're so fascinating and useful that Bucky finally forgives me. He actually tells Tony so verbally and Tony tears up, something he doesn't do quite often. The sight melts my heart. I end up tearing up myself and hugging Bucky, whispering in his ear that I'm proud of him. Bucky smiles at all of us. "I finally don't feel like a freak anymore. Thank you for letting me be an Avenger everyone." At that point, we all start ugly crying. 

Hoped that you guys liked this one shot! :) -Mary 

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