ScarletHulk #1

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ScarletHulk #1

Wanda's POV

 Out of all of the Avenger's heads I've been inside of, no one's intrigued me more than Bruce Banner's also known as the Hulk. He's a lot older than me, nearly old enough to be my father but I like him a lot. I wish I could bond with him more but I know that he doesn't trust me. I mean I corrupted his thoughts and used him as a pawn during the Age of Ultron so I can't entirely blame him for not trusting me. Even though I'm an Avenger now and am beginning to hone in on my powers, I still often don't trust myself. 

    I notice Bruce reading the newspaper in the kitchen and tense up a bit. I wanted to make myself a coffee but he's sitting right in front of the coffemaker. I don't want to piss him off and make him Hulk out. I take a deep breath and keep my head down, avoiding eye contact with him and being as silent as possible. I can sense him staring at me once I make it to the coffeemaker. I do the stupid thing and look at him directly in the eyes. I wave awkwardly and he gives me a small smile before going back to reading the paper. I can't believe he smiled at me rather than glaring at me. I smile to myself and let my coffee cool down a bit before drinking it on a stool. 

     "Wanda, you don't have to be tense around me." I nearly jump out of my stool hearing those words. His voice sounds a lot louder due to the echo in the room than it actually is. "Dr. Banner, you scared me." He puts his hands up in surrender. "That was no my intention and I apologize. By the way, just call me Bruce." "It's okay Bruce. While we're apologizing, I apologize for having once been a villain under the influence of HYDRA. I'm sorry that I hijacked your mind and hurt many innocent people. I'm sorry that I'm one of the reasons that that Sokovia Accords had to be both established and enforced." Bruce smiles at me sadly. "Ross hates my guts. He has tried to kill me on multiple occasions so don't feel like you're the only one with a Ross target on your back."

     I tilt my head in confusion. "How do you know Ross?" A grim expression forms on his face. "I used to date his daughter Betty, way back when I first was exposed to gamma radiation and became the Hulk. When I Hulked out for the first time in front of her, she never looked at me the same again. She saw me a monster and nothing else. I can't say I blame her for feeling that way. Even though for the most part I have Hulk in check, I still feel shame that I'm part monster. I wish I had powers that didn't involve me literally shifting into a large, green rage monster." I move closer to him but don't touch him. The thought of touching him and hurting him makes me flinch back a few feet. 

      "Bruce, I know you're sensitive to bodily contact but I may I do something to put your mind at ease a bit." He nods and I slowly move closer to him again, gently putting my hands against his temple. I do a series of weird looking hand movements but those hand movements allow me to seep some positive energy into his mind. Instead of him seeing red constantly, I fill his mind with some peaceful images. These images include him finding the love of his life, experimenting in the lab with Tony, and reading books in a library. When I'm done with my little trick, I pull out of his mind. It takes a moment for him to adjust to being out of my hold but he's alert when he snaps out of it. 

     "Wanda, I don't know what you did to mind but you did indeed put it at ease. I'm only having pleasant thoughts right now. Thank you so much." I smile proudly at him while sipping my coffee. "You're very welcome. Consider that bygones for what I did to you." Bruce stares at me fondly. "Let me take you out sometime." I raise an eyebrow at him. "Like on a date?" He blushes and smiles. "Yes like on a date. Come on, what do you say? Let's take a risk for once." I grin at him. "Okay." He grins back. "Okay."

Hoped that you guys liked this one shot! :) -Mary

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