Romanogers #1

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Author's Note: This one shot contains slight spoilers for Avengers: Endgame. 

Romanogers #1

Steve's POV

 I'm in love with Nat, I think I have been for years now but just tried to bury those feelings deep down inside. Plus with half of the world's population ceasing to exist, there are more pressing matters to deal with at the moment than my feelings for her. All of us are broken but I've never seen Nat crumble as much as I have these past few days. She tortures herself by sitting in front of the monitors that have been totaling up the missing in each country as well as global. It's not healthy for her to do this but I'm also a bit guilty of doing it too.  

    Nat is still sitting in front of the monitors as we speak. I need to do something about this, I need to at least comfort her by being at her side. I quietly make my way over to her and sit down beside her. "Nat, this isn't going to change anything. Torturing ourselves like this won't make the world whole again. We can grieve but we also need to take action. We need to try to reverse the damage that's been done." She looks at me with a tear stricken face and my heart breaks. I haven't seen Nat cry in years. The woman practically is made of steel so the sight shocks me. "Steve, what if we fail yet again?"

     I look at her sadly. "You're right Nat, we could fail again. The way I see it though, we're failing by just sitting on our asses and not taking more action. The only one who has been doing any work since the moment this happened in the lab is Bruce. It's not fair that the workload has been placed on him. We need to help him. We also need to figure out who the heck is on the other end of that device Rhodey found in Fury's office." She nods and wipes away some tears with her sleeve. I wrap an arm around her and pull her in for a hug, kissing her forehead despite her getting bashful when I do that. "I love you Nat. Try to stay strong, okay. We'll get through this. Everything will work out the way it's mean to." 

     A moment of silence passes as Nat and I head to the lab to check on Bruce. As expected, he's hard at work. I knock lightly on the door, not too loud because I don't want to startle him. He gives me a tired smile and lets Nat and I in. "So I may have a lead on who's on the other end of the device. It's a fellow hero, someone who Fury has known for a long time. A woman I believe. Have you ever heard of a woman named Captain Marvel?" Right as Bruce says that, a random woman appears out of nowhere. "Where's Fury?" We all look at her strangely before I put two and two together in my head. This must be Captain Marvel. "Miss, are you Captain Marvel?" "Yes I am. Now where's Fury?" 

      Nat looks at her seriously. "He's not here. How do you know Fury? You've never been recruited for the Avengers." "Ah, that's where your wrong. I've known Nick Fury since the 90s. He tried recruiting me for the Avengers but I passed for the time being. Other galaxies needed my service more and I knew you all had it covered. Well at least I thought you did. What's up with all of those people, animals, etc turning to dust?" I step in to speak. "Thanos, a mad Titan whipped out fifty percent of all living creatures. A huge team of heroes including ourselves tried to take him down several times. We came so close, Thor nearly killed him but he still managed to snap his fingers wearing the gauntlet, which then caused many of our loved ones to turn to dust right before us. I'm guessing Fury might be one of those people because we haven't seen or heard from him in awhile." 

      Captain Marvel sighs. "My real name is Carol so call me please." I nod and let her continue talking. "I'm actually quite powerful and seeing that half of the world's population ceases to exist for the time being, I figure it's all hands on deck." She stares at Nick's pager sadly before exploring the lab without permission. I can tell it's bugging Bruce but he's too nice of a guy to make a comment about it. Nat and I then venture off alone. I can tell she has a lot of build up emotions that she still needs to let out. I cradle her in my lap on a sofa while she cries as much as she needs to. I bury my face in the crook of her neck and let out some tears myself. Since Tony's orbiting in space, I'm the only leader right now. The pressure has been intense on me and I haven't had a moment to be able to fall apart.

        When all of our tears have been used up for the time being, Nat and I end up kissing each other. Both of us pursue the kiss equally and when we pull apart, that's how I know that she's in love with me too. Her facial expression says it all. Still nonetheless, we exchange "I love yous" and finally get to work. 

Hoped that you guys liked this one shot! :) -Mary

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