Philinda/Coulson x May #2

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Philinda/Coulson x May #2

Phil's POV

 Melinda and I started dating two weeks ago and I couldn't be happier. I've had a crush on her for years so finally being able to date her feels like a dream come true. My sappy self even wrote about it in my personal journal. Daisy was the first one we told before telling the others. She's like our daughter so we besides each other, we trust her the most on the team. Everyone especially Daisy were ecstatic when we told them the wonderful news. Fitz and Simmons wanted to throw us a celebration party. We were flattered but both felt that that wasn't necessary. Instead, we ordered Chinese food delivered and had a very zen dinner. 

    Melinda and I have a rare day off today so we're going on a nature hike. I've always enjoyed hiking and Melinda has been wanting to try it for awhile. She smirks at me. "You're actually really good at hiking Phil. I thought you'd be wheezing for breath by now." I roll my eyes playfully at her. "I'm only six years older than you May. Stop being so sassy." She sticks out her tongue at me like a child. "I can't help being sassy, it's just who I am. Admit it though, you love my sass." I nod in agreement. "I sure do, most of the time."

     As we hike to the top of the mountain, we begin to see the beauty of the horizon and its contents down below. "It's beautiful up here. We should take a few pictures. I want to remember this moment." Melinda nods and the two of us capture a few pictures of the lovely landscape before asking a civilian to take a few pictures of the two of us together. I wanted quality pictures of us up here, not just some silly selfies. A middle aged man named Greg was kind enough to take some pictures of us for us. They came out great and both of us made sure to thank him. After that, we just sit hand in hand on top of the mountain, all the way until sunset. 

      The sunset up here is even more beautiful than the view is during the daytime. Of course us being the photography nuts that we are, we take at least a dozen pictures of the sunset from various angles. "Melinda May, I love you. I know that we've only been dating for two weeks but I've loved you for years. You don't have to say it back, I just wanted to tell you how I feel is all." She smiles sincerely at me. "It's okay Phil, I love you too. I've loved you for a couple of years now. I fell for you not too long after Andrew succumbed to Lash once and for all. Not the best timing but I don't regret it whatsoever. I was worried that I wouldn't find love again but now that I have, this love feels even more real than it did with Andrew. Bless his heart but it's the truth." I wrap an arm around her and kiss her on the forehead. What a great ending to a great day with my love. 

Hoped that you guys liked this one shot! :) -Mary 

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