CaptainValkyrie #1

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Author's Note: Mentions of rape and sexual assault

CaptainValkyrie #1

Valkyrie's POV

 I never imagined myself falling for anyone else again after having been singles for so many years now. After my ex boyfriend raped me a few months into our relationship, I swore off dating from there on out. I didn't want to give anyone the power to abuse me in such a way ever again. The only problem is Thor introduced me to Carol Danvers aka the famous Captain Marvel. She's the toughest female besides myself and Natasha Romanoff that I've ever met. I admire the fact that she was an air force pilot for a long time before becoming the legendary hero that she is today. 

   Carol Danvers is also beautiful, by far the most beautiful woman I've ever met. In case it wasn't super obvious, I'm Bisexual. I like both men and women equally, therefore I'm not attracted to one more than the other. Everyone in my inner circle is accepting of my sexuality which means a lot to me. If it also already wasn't obvious, I have a crush on Carol. Thor keeps teasing me about it but I'm afraid to make a bold move on her. I don't want to scare her off. We've become good friends and I don't want to ruin that. 

     I'm sitting on the ledge of Stark Tower drinking a bottle of Gin. Drinking alcohol soothes me despite others saying that I'm an alcoholic, hooked on alcohol to the point where I can't cope with it. I can cope without it, I just prefer not to. Maybe with some alcohol in me, I can finally have the courage to talk about my feelings aloud. I've been up here several times now but the view of the city never ceases to amaze me. Out of all of the modern cities in this world, New York City is my favorite. If I were an average civilian, I'd be elated to call it home. Right as I'm about to take another swig of Gin, a hand reaches out to take the bottle from me. I smirk when I realize that the hand belongs to Carol. 

     "Valkyrie, you need to get this drinking habit of yours under control." I shrug. "I could but alcohol is just so damn refreshing." I motion for her to take a sip of Gin herself. She shrugs back and takes a big swig of it. I grin at her as I can tell she's enjoying the taste of it as well. She then sits down beside me and gasps at the view. I'm telling you, even the locals are shocked by the beauty of their own city from high above. "Valkyrie, are you going back to space with the remaining Asgardians or will you stay on Earth?" I sigh. "I'm still internally debating that to be honest. Space has more room for our people but Earth has more resources. Plus Earth has the little family I've grown quite attached to. Yes that does include you Carol."

       She blushes which makes me smile. "I think the world of you Valkyrie." She brushes a strand of her back behind her ear. "Valkyrie, I actually wanted to talk to you about something. It regards...feelings. Is that okay?" I nod and let her speak freely. "I've developed a crush on someone who is a good friend of mine. I want to tell this person how I feel but I'm afraid that doing so would ruin our friendship. Should I say "Screw it" and take that leap of faith or just keep it to myself for the time being?" I feel the heat rush to my face unintentionally. "I think it depends on who the person is to be honest."

       Carol takes a step towards me. "I'm a lesbian. I've been out and proud for a long time now. I like men as friends but I've never been romantically and/or sexually attracted to them, only to women. The woman I happen to be attracted to both ways currently... is you." Her words knock the wind out of me. I'm so giddy but also shocked. I never imagined that Carol would reciprocate feelings for me. I smile wide and hug her. "I like you too Carol." She then picks me up bridal style and holds me in her arms. "Be my girlfriend." I gaze at her fondly. "Gladly."

Hoped that you guys liked this one shot! I saw a photo of this ship going around on Twitter yesterday and the more I looked at it, the more I wanted to capture this ship in a one shot myself. :) -Mary

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