Buri #2

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Buri #2

Shuri's POV

 Bucky and I have developed a crush on each other and everyone seems to know, except us. I mean I know that I like him and he likes me, it's just that the two of us won't dare to admit it to each other. We're basically walking on egg shells around each other when it comes to the subject of feelings. Speaking of Bucky, we're currently hiking up in the mountains of Wakanda. Despite the rigorous workout, it's quite peaceful to hike in the mountains. It also gives me space from my royal duties and I get to be a normal teenager for a little while. I recently turned eighteen but I'm still in my teen years nonetheless. 

   Bucky is twenty five physically but mentally is nearly a hundred years old. Him and Steve are the last living people from their generation. Steve being frozen in ice for seventy years and then coming out of it alive, appearing as a young man still fascinates me even though I've heard it a dozen times now. When we reach the peak of the mountain, Bucky and I stop for a lunch break. I packed us some rice for a light but satisfying lunch. We both dive right into it. "Shuri, I can't believe that this is only my first time going on a hike with you. The view up here is breathtaking. You can literally see Wakanda in its entirety up here."

    I smile. "That's one of the reasons why I love it so much. That and it gives me a place to escape. I love being a princess but it has its cons like anything else. I never got to be a normal teenage girl and I'm almost an adult. Once I hit twenty one, life really begins for me. Will I be ready for it? I'm not quite sure..." Bucky wraps an arm around me. "Shuri, you'll be fine. You're the smartest woman alive, no joke. You're also one of the smartest people in the universe. You've invented tech beyond even Tony Stark's wildest dreams. If that doesn't speak volumes, then I don't know what does." "Thank you Bucky, you're very sweet." I don't know if it's my imagination but I catch him... blushing. Bucky literally never blushes. This is a strange sight to see before my very eyes. 

    I then take us both by surprise and grab his hand, intertwining it with mine. I don't say anything because sometimes actions speak louder than words. Without me having to say a word, Bucky gazes at me intensely. He knows how I feel about him, I can tell by the look on his face. His expression then softens as he leans in to give me a peck on the lips. My lips respond by kissing him back, making me all warm and fuzzy on the inside. We stare at each other, grinning like dorks. I guess that makes Bucky my boyfriend now. Score!

Hoped that you guys liked this one shot! :) -Mary

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