Mantrax #2

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Mantrax #2

Drax's POV

 I'm so relieved to be reunited with my love and friends in the soul stone. Gamora managed to summon all of us into the soul stone with her after we turned to dust. We came so close to fending off Thanos ourselves but Quill just had to get emotional and ruin the operation. Even though I'm pissed at him for his actions, I can understand why he reacted that way. If someone had told me that my father had murdered my true love, I'd go bat shit crazy too and want to murder the bastard. 

   I'm sitting with Mantis on a cliff overlooking a waterfall. It's awfully peaceful here in the soul stone. I don't mind being here temporarily but I hope the others avenge our deaths and bring us back to the mortal realm. We all have a lot of living left to do. I wrap an arm around Mantis and pull her towards me. She leans her head on my shoulder and sighs. "I miss our new friends. We barely got any time to get to know them. They had many useful skills. Do you think they'll find a way to bring us back to life?" I sigh back. "I sure hope so. The only thing I'm not certain about is that since Gamora died before the snap, I'm not sure if she can come back with us. We'll do everything in our power to make that happen though. She's family and we don't abandon family." 

   Mantis looks at me sadly. "I don't like the thought of having to leave Gamora behind. It's not her fault that Thanos is such a monster. We should be blessed that she's such a wonderful being. Even Nebula is far from a monster despite her fierce personality. She's not here with us so I'm guessing she survived the snap along with Rocket. The two of us are going to make an interesting partnership." For the first time in days, I manage to stifle a laugh. "I'd pay to see Rocket and Nebula working together without arguing for a solid five minutes." She giggles adorably, melting my nearly stone cold heart. 

    "Mantis, ever since I lost my wife and kids, I was afraid to fall in love with anyone. I shut my heart off for so long but you managed to reawaken it. I love you Mantis. I want us to be together for a very long time. Your presence completes me." She looks at me in absolute shock. "No one has ever said such lovely words to me before. I thought you thought that I was extremely weird and ugly." I shake my head no. "I was trying to hide my feelings for you. Never for a second did I think you were extremely weird and ugly. You're only slightly weird and extremely beautiful. It's a good thing to be a little weird. Being completely normal is dull." 

     Mantis takes everyone by surprise by pulling my face towards hers and nearly sucking it off with her lips. I'm not embarrassed whatsoever. In fact, I do the very same with my lips to her face. I love her so much, what a woman.

Hoped that you guys liked this one shot! :) -Mary

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