Brutasha #2

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Brutasha #2

Natasha's POV

  Bruce and I have been casually messing around in the sheets since he came back to us. A friends with benefits type of thing. It's been going well so far but I think that feelings are lingering still. Him and I dated for a few months a couple years ago. Despite being a part from one another, we still manage to find our way back to one another. I want to get back together with him but I don't want to hurt him. I'm afraid because I love him so much. Bruce and I are currently having steamy sex in the bedroom right now. It's amazing but I really need to talk to him. I think he can sense that because he does eventually stop, pulling out gently. 

    "Nat, what's wrong? I know that face, that's your thinking face. When you wear your thinking face, it eventually leads to you needing to get something off of your chest. Talk to me, please." My lip quivers and tears from in my eyes. When one slips, I'm screwed. He knows that I'm not okay. "Bruce, there's something I need to tell you but I don't know how you're going to feel about it." He looks at me with nothing but concern on his face. "Tell me, I can handle it. I promise." I bite my lip until it bleeds a little bit. "As much fun as having casual sex with you is, I want more than that. I know we already tried dating a couple years ago and it didn't work out, but I really wish it had. I still love you Bruce. I always have and I have no doubt in my mind that I always will."

    A moment of silence passes before Bruce looks at me with heavy emotions plastered on his face. "Nat, you can't just say that out of the blue and not expect me to want to leap straight into your arms. I love you more than life itself. I haven't stopped loving you since soon after we first met all of those years ago. I thought Betty was the love of my life but she wasn't, you are. I want us to be together too. I was stupid to ever break up with you in the first place. I haven't been able to forgive myself for doing so." I stroke his arm gently. "So let's fix that problem, let's be together. Let's love each other right this time and make sure that it works out." 

     Bruce and I place our hands on top of one another, kind in a pyramid like form. The position looks kind of awkward but it's also a symbolic one. The two of us stay like this for a few minutes before our lips crash onto one another's. All of the love comes rushing back in tenfold. This kiss is the proof that neither of us wants to mess this up again.

Hoped that you guys liked this one shot! :) -Mary 

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