T'Kia/T'Challa x Nakia #1

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T'Kia/T'Challa x Nakia #1

T' Challa's POV

 Nakia and I recently got back together and I'm on cloud nine. Her and I were together for two years before we broke up the first time. I'm so grateful she gave me a second chance to be her boyfriend because I absolutely can't mess things up this time. Knowing Nakia as well as I do, there is no third chance with her. Her and I are having our second first date tonight. I'm inviting her over for a private dinner in my chambers. Shuri and my mother wanted to come but I politely told them not to. Okoye is allowed to keep guard outside though along with a couple other Dora Milaje warriors. 

    As I'm setting up dinner for the two of us, Nakia appears in my doorway, rendering me absolutely speechless. She's wearing that same dress she wore on that one mission into the casino a few months back to help stop my cousin and his goons. It's my favorite dress of hers to date. I smile at her bashfully. "You look stunning Nakia. Please, sit down and relax. I'm just setting up the table while dinner is cooking." She smiles back at me. "Thank you T'Challa. What's for dinner?" "Steak, mashed potatoes, and an assortment of veggies." She nods in approval and sits down, not lifting a finger to do any work. The woman works hard enough as is.

     Dinner cooks itself overall without any hassle. As I organize the food onto various platters, I grin. It all smells appetizing to me and looks very tasty. I think I may have just made my best meal yet. Nakia looks pleased with the food as I lay it out in front of her. I serve it to the both of us. I'm spoiling her tonight by treating her like a queen. "T'Challa, you've outdone yourself tonight. This is the best meal you've ever made. It's absolutely delicious and I'm impressed by the artistry of it all." I bow playfully. "Thank you my queen." She rolls her eyes playfully. "You know how I feel about that. I don't want to be queen. Your mother is the best queen for Wakanda. Shuri should be the next queen proceeding her. Shuri would make a fine ruler as well."

   I smirk at her. "I love my little sister dearly but I worry that the power might get to her head at times. You know Shuri, she certainly has her bossy moments." Nakia nods in agreement. "I suppose that's true but then again so do you. Like brother, like sister right?" I grumble a "yeah" in agreement causing her to burst out laughing. Her laugh is like music to my ears and I end up laughing myself. The two of us continue to laugh about silly stories, many of which from our childhood over dinner. Nakia volunteers to help me wash dishes and for once, I don't stop her. I am pretty tired right now but I'm trying to show it. Prior to our dinner, I've been in meetings all day long with the exception of one hour this morning helping Shuri test out some new technology.

    When the dishes are all washed and put away, Nakia and I sit on the couch by the window, staring out at the nightlife in the downtown sector of Wakanda. "Wakanda sure has grown over the past few years, hasn't it T'Challa?" I nod. "It sure has. I'm sure it'll only continue to advance as time goes on. Shuri is creating so many beneficial devices that other countries would fight to get their hands on. We have the most advances technology in the world right here in Wakanda. I'm very proud of what our nation has become. I'm also glad to be king again, not squabbling over the throne with Eric." Nakia tilts her head to the side curiously. "Do you think Eric will get the help he needs?" I shrug my shoulders. "I honestly have no clue, all I can is hope for the best. I would love to have a relationship with him one day. I don't believe that he's evil, just heavily misguided."

    "That's a fair assessment of him T'Challa." She leans her head on my shoulder and I wrap an arm around her, kissing her on the forehead. Before I know it, she has drifted off to sleep and pretty soon I do too.

Hoped that you guys liked this one shot! :) -Mary 

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