Tebula/Tony x Nebula #2

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Tebula/Tony x Nebula #2

Tony's POV

 Teaching Nebula how to play flag football is actually pretty fun. It helps to take our minds off of the impending doom the both of us are about to face, especially myself. I could die on this ship in outer space at any moment, leaving Nebula stranded by herself. The thought of doing so saddens me. I've grown quite attached to her despite having a fiancee waiting for me back home. I shouldn't have a crush on Nebula but I do. Those who don't fit society's mold tend to intrigue me the most. Plus I love the beauty of her blue and purple skin, the synthetic of it feels so nice in my hands.

    Nebula smirks at me. "Tony, it's your turn. Why are you staring at me so much?" I cover up my embarrassment of having been caught with snarky comments. "You're the only other being on this ship Nebula. What else is there to stare at?" She rolls her eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Just go." I study my next play carefully before making it. I cheer as I realize that I've won this round. "I told you that I'd settle the score with you Nebula. What do you owe me?" She mutters under her breath but with a smile on her face. "Tony Stark is just as good at flag football as Nebula is." I bow playfully. "Thank you." A moment of silence passes before she breaks it. "Tony, we're running out of resources. If don't get rescued soon, the both of us could die here."

    I look at her seriously. "I know. We have two weeks supply of food and water at most. We need to start to ration it more. We're in the endgame now in terms of the period of time we have left to live if we don't get rescued." The two of us somberly sit side by side, hand in hand. We silently absorb the harsh reality that it may be possible that no one will come and rescue us. We're all we have left in each other's lives for the time being. Neither of us is overly fond of dealing with our feelings but yet here we are, both emotionally drained but wearing masks to hide that. I really hope both of us get back to Earth to reunite with those of us who are still alive. It's a nightmare that half of the universe is gone but at least half is still left. That way we can work towards bringing everyone else back. 

     In the meantime, Nebula and I have to be patient and see how this all plays out. I kiss her on the cheek, reassuring her with my affection that everything is going to be okay. If it comes down to one of us dying, I hope it's me instead of her. 

Hoped that you guys liked this one shot! :) -Mary

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