Pepperoni #1

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Pepperoni #1

Pepper's POV

 Being married to Tony Stark is both a blessing and an ongoing frustration, it varies from day to day. Regardless, I love that man with all of my heart. He disappeared into space for some Avengers related mission and I haven't heard from him in days. I hope he comes home to me soon. I'm currently in my office doing some paperwork not only to get some accomplished but also to distract myself from dwelling on him. What good does dwelling about something that's out of your control do? 

   The hours tick by as I finish up the paperwork and it's dinner time. Knowing that Tony isn't going to be home tonight, I make dinner for one. I set up the table for just myself and make a serving of meatloaf to eat. Right after I put it in the oven, there's a loud knock at the door. It startles me just enough so I jump in the air a bit. I go to open it and there's Tony, looking like a zombie. I cling onto him ever so tightly. "You're back! I was worried about you. I haven't heard from you in days. For all I know, you could have been dead." He rubs my back in circles as he hugs me back. "I know Pepper, I'm so hun. I tried to get a hold of you out there but it's space, the connection is sucky."

      "I have a meatloaf cooking in the oven. It's not large but I can split it with you or make another one just for you. Whatever you want love." "If you could make another one, that'd be wonderful." I nod and put another one in the oven for him after I get settled. "What's it like being in space Tony?" He talks with a mouthful of meatloaf. "Honestly, it's not all that it's cracked up to be. It's very isolated. Sure the view is nice but that's about it. The oxygen levels are poor and there's not really any gravity to keep you afloat for long periods of time." I nod. "I can imagine. Who were you up there with?" He stifles a tired laugh. "Of all people, I was up there with Thor." 

         I raise an eyebrow at him. "Thor can survive being in space that long?" He smirks. "He's a God Pepper, they can survive longer than the both of us combined. Unless he sustains a life threatening injury, he'll probably outlive the entire human race." A giggle slips out of my mouth. "You always know how to make me laugh Tony. I really did miss you." He gazes into my eyes lovingly while I cup his face with my hands. His beautiful brown eyes staring into my soul. "I love you my precious Pepperoni." I blush every time he calls me that, right now included. "I love you too Mr. Stark." He rolls his eyes at me. "That was my father Howard, not me. Whenever people call me Mr. Stark, it just makes me feel ancient. The only person who can get away with that is Peter."

          I sigh longingly. Peter is a good kid, I haven't seen him in awhile. He's become an honorary son to Tony. "He never came by while you were away though he did text me a couple of times. I told him you'd be home soon and that he should come visit again." He nods. "Tell him to come by tomorrow evening for dinner. We'll round up all of the Avengers and make a little party out of it." "You and your parties Tony." He shrugs. "Hey, not everyone has the luxury of being a genius, billionaire, and playboy philanthropist. I might as well live up to my public image." I sigh but peck him on the lips. "Whatever you say Tony, whatever you say." 

Hoped that you guys liked this one shot! :) -Mary 

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