FitzSimmons #1

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FitzSimmons #1

Jemma's POV

  I've had a crush on Fitz for as long as I can remember but I'm too chicken to actually tell him how I feel about him. Daisy has been trying to help me get the courage to do so but it usually ends with me having an anxiety attack at the thought of him rejecting me afterwards. Him and I not only have a good partnership work wise, but we've developed such a wonderful friendship since we attended Sci-Tech (The S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy of Science and Technology) together. To be more specific, we first met in a class classed "Chemical Kinectics" taught by Franklin Hall. Bless his heart, he was such a great professor. 

    As time went on, Fitz and I grew comfortable with one another. We would even be daring enough to join the upperclassmen in pranking the freshman when they first started attending the academy every year. None of us actually got in trouble for participating in the pranks because it was a tradition at the academy. Some of the staff even joined in on pranks they found to be worthwhile. Thinking about those days both puts a smile on my face and makes me want to cry at the same time. Things were so much easier during those days than they are now. 

     Fitz is currently working on some data entry next to me on the computer while I'm running a lab experiment, which is separate from the data entry work that he's completing. The two of us are alone in the lab, now is a great opportunity for me to finally tread the water here. "Jemma, do you have a moment?" I look up from my experiment. "Anything for you Fitz. What's up?" He seems to be nervous, fidgeting with his hands quite a bit. "There's something I need to tell you." My heart begins to race and anxiety clouds my judgment. Does he sense my feelings for him? Is he going to reject me before I even get the chance to tell him how I feel? I hope not...

      "Jemma... I like you. I like you as more than a friend. The last thing I want to do is creep you out because we've been friends since we were teenagers but somewhere along the way, I developed a massive crush on you." I blush and begin fidgeting with my hands like Fitz was just doing moments ago. "I like you too Fitz. I've been wanting to tell you for awhile but too was nervous about the potential rejection I'd receive from you. It's human nature to want to be accepted rather than rejected." Fitz moves closer to me, wrapping his hands around my waist. I mimic his actions, closing the distance between our bodies. A moment later, our lips collide and our first kiss is sealed.

        When we pull apart from our kiss, I can't help but think to myself, why didn't the two of us just get to have this moment sooner? Daisy appears out of nowhere and smirks. "I've been trying to convince Jemma for months to tell you that she likes you Fitz. I take it that she finally did." Fitz smirks back at her. "It was actually a mutual conversation but yeah it's official, Jemma and I are a couple. My feelings for her are more certain than any other feelings I've had towards anyone in my life. Deep down inside, I know we're soulmates." I look at him in awe and give him a shy hug before giving Daisy one myself, whispering a "thank you" in her ear. I'm so grateful that Fitz is now my boyfriend and to have Daisy as a friend. Coulson and May are also the best bosses to work for. Life has panned out well so far for ol Jemma Simmons.

Hoped that you guys liked this one shot! I finally managed to squeeze in an update for you guys. Things are going to be hectic until at least Tuesday. #tired #life  :) -Mary 

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