CaptainValkyrie #2

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CaptainValkyrie #2

Carol's POV

  There's this stunning woman sitting across the aisle from me at the bar and I'm so nervous to approach her. Nick Fury keeps egging me to do so but my brain is psyching me out. Him and I are catching up like the old friends we are. We go way back to the 90s. I told him only to contact me first during emergencies but I actually contacted him first. It took me months to track down his contact info but when I did, I felt like a victor for sure. I really missed him, he's a good friend and mentor to me. 

     "Carol, go talk to her. I'll be here waiting for you. A short conversation isn't going to kill you. Besides, if you don't try, you'll never get that closure mentally." I sigh. "Yeah you're right." I take a deep breath and make my way over to her. She seems surprised but doesn't shoo me away. "Is this seat next to you taken?" She smirks. "Not anymore. I was supposed to have a friend meet me here but he decided to ditch me for his new boy toy. Anyways, what's your name?" I hold out a hand for her to shake. "Carol Danvers. What's yours?" "Nice to meet you Carol Danvers. I'm Brunhilde but prefer to be called Valkyrie. I mean that's how most of the world knows me." I smile. "I like that, it sounds badass." 

     She does a once over of me before smiling wide. "You're a superhero too. I can tell, you just have that fellow badass vibe as well. What's your alias?" I smirk. "They call me Captain Marvel. You know, because I'm just so damn marvelous." I wink and she groans. "You just had to ruin it with that awful pun. I was actually digging the alias until you cracked that joke." I pout playfully. "I'm sorry." She swats my shoulder. "It's fine, just give me a bit of a warning next time." I wiggle my eyebrows. "Ah, so there will be a next time?" She smiles sincerely. "Yes, I want there to be a next time. Can we swap numbers? I'm from Asgard but I'm spending a lot of my time on Earth now thanks to Thor and the Avengers. I'm sure you've heard of them." I nod. "I have and I hope to meet them one day. They seem pretty cool." 

     "They're awesome! I'll bring you to meet them one day." I smile and jot down my number in addition to her plugging it into my phone. She does the same for me with her number. We give each other kisses on the cheek before going back to our business. She pays her bill and leaves while Nick and I continue to catch up. He teases me about my instant attraction for Valkyrie but I'm too happy to care. I'm going to see that lovely lady again and meet the Avengers. I can't wait!

Hoped that you guys liked this one shot! I won't be online tomorrow because I don't want any spoilers for Endgame. I'm seeing it Saturday afternoon and I can't wait!  :) -Mary

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