Meeting The Dobre Brothers

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                      ~Chapter 2~

I wake up early and by early I mean 5am I was always a morning person but I never knew why I would wake up so early. I get out of bed and get changed into some black ripped jeans and a cute white tank top.

I then complete my outfit with some black high healed boots. I take my hair out of the plait and then Braid it into two braids either side of my head.

Looking in the mirror I let the braids rest against my hips before I take some pieces out in front of my face.

I leave my room and head out to the living room. Sitting down on the lounge I hear some noise coming from Steve's room until I see him leave his room.

~Steve's Pov~

 I walk to the kitchen and make myself a coffee. As I wait I see a light in the lounge room.

Zoey your up I say hearing the kettle beep.

Yeah i couldn't sleep Zoey replies.

Did you want anything to eat I say making my coffee.

Hmm I'm alright I might go pick up some food today Zoey says.

If your up for it did you want to come with me to film with the brothers then after we can get some stuff at the store I ask be for drinking my coffee.

Sure what are you guys filming Zoey asks me.

It's a race with their new cars i say as I finish my coffee.

~end of Steve's Pov~

Alright I'll grab my bag and then we can go I say grabing my bag from my room.

As I walk back through the apartment I follow Steve out the door and down to his car. Steve texts someone and soon catches up with me.

Getting into his car Steve drives out of the garage as a green Lamborghini comes up behind him.

Oh that's my best friend Darius in his lambo behind us you'll meet him and his brothers today Steve tells me.

Oh nice I reply putting my sunglasses on.

After driving for a while Steve parks his car next to some cool locking cars.

Alright did you want to wait in here while I go film the video and then we can get lunch after if your down Steve asks.

Yeah I'll stay in here I'll see you after I reply.

~Darius's Pov~

I just pulled up at the race track where were going to film. When i got out of my car and meet up with the brothers I see Steve still in his car talking.

Who's he talking to Lucus asks.

It kinda looks like there's a girl in his car Marcus says.

I look more to the side of his car and notice that he's talking to a pretty girl with long brown hair. I see Steve get out of his car and the girl stay in there.

Alright guys ready to film Steve asks us.

Yeah we all reply and get started with the video the girl in the car looking down.

~end of Darius's Pov~

I sit in the car for a while properly like half an hour until they rap things up and I hear my brother Steve tell the guys to join him for lunch. The guys all get back in their cars and drive off to a restaurant/Cafe for lunch.

While on the drive there Steve and I listen to his friends new music and just chat about how the filming went earlier. Steve parks his car and gets out as the guys pull up and park.

You guys go in and get a table I'll be in soon Steve says coming over to my side and opening my door.

Everything alright bro Cyrus asks.

Everythings fine bro go ahead Steve says.

The Dobre brothers go into the restaurant as I get out and Steve walks with me to the shop to get a few things. *a couple minutes later* Steve and I drop the things off in the car and then go into the restaurant.

Walking to the table I see the brothers look up and look surprised the tall one having a smile on his face.

Hey guys I've got someone I would like you guys to meet Steve says.

Hi your really pretty Marcus says as he stands up.

Thankyou I say back with a smile.

Guys this is my sister Zoey shes just moved to la. Zoey this is Cyrus, Darius, Lucus and Marcus Steve says pointing to each brother.

Hey guys nice to meet you I say as they all come up and give me a hug. 

After giving each brother a hug I sit down at the table next to Steve and opposite Darius. The waiter comes out and takes our order me I just order a chicken salad and a water.
Once we have all finished lunch the brothers invited Steve and I over to their place to watch a movie. Leaving the restaurant Steve and I get into his car tenically it's a rental until we get the new car from mum.

A couple minutes later we are back at the apartment and are sat on the couch watching a movie. Halfway through the movie it gets dark outside and my eyelids start to slowly close but I force myself to stay awake. Steve is already fast asleep on the beanbag and the twins have fallen asleep on each other.

Cyrus and Darius are still awake and are still watching the movie as Darius starts to look at me.

You can fall asleep on my shoulder if you want to Darius whispers in my ear.

It's ok I'll stay awake for a while I say.

An hour later I end up falling asleep on Darius shoulder. Eventually the movie comes to a end and cyrus goes to bed.

~Darius's Pov~

I look over at Zoey and see that she's fallen asleep on my shoulder. Shes beautiful like an angel created by God... Wait am I starting to like her. I end up leaning my head on hers and falling asleep. Could Zoey be the girl I end up with?.

~End of Darius Pov~

~3rd person Pov~

As it starts getting late in the night Darius moves while his asleep causing Zoey too have her head on his chest while she sleeps. Darius puts his arm around her waist not noticing he's done that as he is in a deep sleep as well.

~end of 3rd person's Pov~

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