Trapped In The Fire

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                      ~Chapter 50~

I was peacefully asleep until I felt somthing heavy on my ribs. I try to get up but I scream out in pain and cough loudly. I smell smoke and turn my head to see fire coming out under my door. I stretch out my arm and grab my phone from the bedside table to call the ambulance. I make the call and tell them my address as I try to think why my house would be burning down right now. I try to stay awake but as the smoke fills my lungs and I find myself slipping into the darkness.

~3rd persons Pov~

The ambulance arrives along with the firemen and they work togetter to get the fire out. The fire fighters go inside and try to get Zoey out but the plank of wood that has landed on her is making it difficult to get her free. A few hours later they get Zoey free and rush her to the hospital. She goes into ICU and the doctors treat her.

~Steve's Pov~

I finished eating breakfast and doing my daily routine when all of a sudden I get a call from the hospital. I answer the call and I'm gretted by a nerses voice.

Nerse. Hello is this Steve Perez?.

Steve. Hi yes it is what can I do for you?.

Nerse. Hi Steve we have you as a emergency contact for Zoey Perez. She's been rushed to ICU and she would need you if you could come down?.

Steve. Yeah ok I'll be right there.

The call ends and I grab the tesla car keys. The brothers, their girlfriends and Alex are all in the tv room so I quickly walk over to them and explain what's happened. I then leave the house and go straight to the hospital. After a while I get there and go in, ask for Zoey's room and then head straight there.

Once I'm there I walk in and sit down next to her bed. She's got a breathing tube in her nose, she's connected to wires and she's got a bandage around her ribs. I wonder what could of happened and if who did it to her because I know Zoey would not leave somthing on that could burn the house down.

The doctors come in and check on Zoey and tell me what she has and that other friends and family can come see her but not huge groups just three or four pepole at a time. I go back out and over to Zoe's house to see what happened and that they were telling me the right thing.

I arrive and see that her house is burnt nearly to the ground. Everything she had is now just gone but her lambo is still alright. I ask if I can take her car and luckily they allow me to so I take it and park it behind the tesla. I call the brothers but only Marcus seem to pick up so I tell him what happened and if he could get Zoey's car. He says he'll be there soon and he will get an uber since the others are out.

I wait for a couple minutes just watching the police do their investigation. A police officer comes up to me and asks me who I am before saying what they found once they knew I was Zoey's brother. The officer then goes back and blocks off the house and they leave with the firetrucks since the fire has been put out. Marcus shows up and I give him the keys to her lambo.

Did they say what caused the fire?. Marcus asks.

They found a lighter in the living room next to the curtain. They think someone came into the house while Zoey was asleep and started the fire. I say.

Wow that's cruel of someone to do to her. Marcus says looking at the lambo and noticing some of Zoey's things in the car.

Yeah I just wonder who could of done it but thanks for helping me out with her car. I say.

Oh it's all good I'll do anything to help. Marcus says.

Marcus gets into the lambo and soon drives it back to our house. I follow him back so we can go in and see Zoey. A few minutes later after sorting out the car Marcus and I are now in the hospital in Zoe's ward. I pray to God that she will be ok because I really doint want to lose my twin sister. She's too young to leave this earth but I know she's strong. After hours of sitting with her Marcus and I fall asleep on the lounge in her room.

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