Getting My Dream Car

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                      ~Chapter 41~

 ~A few weeks later~

Everyday got a bit easier just by being surround by friends and family really helped me get through the death of my farther. Today was one of those days that I was really happy. I was going to get my dream car a lamborghini aventador. The tesla was a gift from my perents for Steve and I to share whenever we needed some more space.

I am still going to use the tesla but if I'm just going to Starbucks or hanging out with a friend I'll take the lamborghini. I signed the papers early this morning and now I'm waiting with the brothers to see it for the first time since it's been wrapped. After a couple of seconds I hear a car pull up. I caint see anything since I'm blindfolded but the brothers count down and after the count of three I open my eyes and see my new car in front of me.

Oh. My. God. The wrap is stunning I say.

You want to go for a drive. Dari asks handing me the keys.

Of course I say opening the door in awe.

Steve why doint you have the first ride dari says.

You sure Steve asks.

Yeah I mean I'll be next so. Dari chuckles.

OK. Steve says with a laugh while walking to the car and getting in.

Zoe's kinda matches with yours babe pink and purple. Cyrus says.

I know they would look so cool togetter. Christina says.

I take Steve around the town and then after many hours of taking people around I get back and Christina and I take pictures with our cars.
After that I just chill outside and just think about life. I started writing when I was giving over dad so I dicided while I chill outside I will write somthing on my blog I just started.


My farther wasn't always there for me or his family. He was always getting into trouble with the law and drinking his heart out. I saw a side of my dad that I didn't like I saw the demons inside of him take over but it wasn't until he landed himself in jail that made him realise what he did was wrong. When I was five years old I lived with my grandma and my twin brother who to all ends of the world protected me from all evil. Until I was 22 I saw my dad again but this time I saw that he was sick and the dad I once knew was gone. He changed so much over the years we didn't see him but unfortunately due to his obsession with smoking he developed lung cancer.

Once I found out my heart dropped I always loved my dad and I always wanted to have a bond with him but I felt like that was the tip of the ice berg for me. The last couple of months he fixed things between his whole family and he proved to all of his kids that he was strong and changed man that would never give up on us again. About a week ago I said my final goodbye to my dad for a while and after everything I went through it made me realise a lot of things in life.

People are going to hurt you. Their going to bring you now and crush your heart but also people are going to make you happy and lift you up when you reach rock bottom. Everyone on this planet makes mistakes but life is to short to hate people. Have you ever been hurt by someone so bad that it's so hard to forgive them and trust them again? I have and even though I found it hard I gave them a second chance because that person meant the world to me.

I may have not forgotten what they did but I knew they were human just like me and everyone else. That person was my dad. If I didn't forgive him and gave him a second chancd I would of never been able to see my dad again. I wouldn't of know if he passed away or gotten sick but just by doing that we grew closer and I was able to have a farther for a short while. You never know when someone's life is going to be taken away so live like you doint have another day left because our time here is limited.

Thankyou for reading.

I finish writing my blog and hit publish on my phone before going back inside to join the others inside for some food. I go grab some food and stand in front of the twins. Many hours later we planed a holiday to La and the beach. Eventually everyone falls asleep and I go to bed too happy that I got my dream car.

[Question: what do you think Zoey should write about in her blog??.]

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