Dear Aurelia & Boz

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                    ~Chapter 74~

After doing some things I needed to do this morning I grab the letter for Aurelia and Boz and go over to them while there hanging out near the fountain. Once I reach them I tell them to read it and that I'll be back in a second I just needed to check on a couple more things. When I leave I see them from a distance opening the letter and reading it while I leave to go to the doctor for a check up.

~Aurelia's Pov~

Dear Aurelia and Boz

You both are such amazing perents to four amazing guys who have helped me through so much ever since I moved over here. You guys made me feel like I was your daughter just like how you made Steve feel like your son. I've felt so down and broken when dad left to become an angel but you both helped me get through that. You gave me endless hugs and hope to get through that bump in the road.

Over the time of knowing you guys I've felt like I've grown such a close relationship with you guys and writing you this letter is how I'm going to tell you how much I love and appreciate having you in my life. I know I've been a mess but that never mattered because through the pretty and ugly you both never judged me.

You made me have hope to never give up when the world feels like it's crashing down around me. To have people like you in my life means the world to me and I hope I will spend a lifetime with you. You both deserve the world and you deserve the biggest hug in the world too. Boz even though the void of not having my dad around will always be there I know you will always be that farther figure I need.

I could be surrounded by many different people but somehow God lead our paths to cross and we meet. He gave me another pair of perents and you both have blessed me with so much throughout the years. I could never thank you enough for everything you do and still do for me till this day. I will always love you guys and I'll make sure to show you that every single day of my life.

Thankyou for everything

Oh my gosh she's so sweet. I say.

We're very blessed to have her in our lives as well. Boz says.

~End of Pov~

I get back home and park my car at my place before going inside and putting my things down inside my house. I then leave my house and go and see Aurelia and Boz who meet me half way with a smile on their faces they must of been moved by the letter I wrote them.

Hey Zoe that letter was very heart-warming I loved every word of it. Aurelia says.

Your very sweet sweet Zoe thanks for the letter. Boz says.

Aw guys I'm glad you guys loved it. I say giving them a hug.

For the rest of the day we spend some time togetter feeding the chickens on the property and collecting their eggs from their nests. After putting the eggs away in the fridge for the brothers we all go out for a group lunch and have some some fun all together. Many hours later after having a very long day having a load of fun we all head home and have an early dinner since most of us are tired.

After a while Aurelia and Boz leave back to their house and so does Cyrus and Christina. I say goodnight to the brothers and go back to my place. Once getting inside I go upstairs to my room and get changed and ready for bed. The brothers got a few security guards to protect the property because after Ben it really worried them and it did to me as well. When I finished I go into bed and fall asleep immediately. Already feeling safe with the security on the property.

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