Ralationship Goals

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                    ~Chapter 52~

I finish getting ready and doing my hair making sure I didn't move to much since my ribs are bruised. I walk out of my room and to the kitchen where Ben is sitting down with two plates of food, coffee, tea and a smile upon his face once he sees me. He tells me to come sit down and have breakfast that he made for the both of us. I sit down and we start to eat the food he cooked which I can say he's an amazing cook.

He asked me if I wanted to go to the beach with him and of course I said yes because I love the beach and company means a lot to me right now. After breakfast and cleaning up we leave the house and make our way over to the beach. A few hours later I can feel that we are close since I can smell the sea air and hear the waves crashing against the shore.

Ben goes around a corner and parks his car in front of a really beautiful view. He gets out and comes over to my side to open my door. He opens the door and offers his hand to help me out I take his hand and once I'm out we walk down to the beach. My feet touch the sand and I walk across to the water with Ben still holding my hand.

Zoey there's somthing I need to ask you and I really hope you say yes. Ben says.

Okay what is it. I turn my attention to him.

As you already I like you a lot but everytime we hang out, go on dates and days like this I find myself falling in love with you. Your the most gorgeous girl I've ever meet and I would love if you would be my girlfriend Zoey. What would you say?. Ben says.

Yes I'll be your girlfriend Ben. I say.

He hugs me gently knowing about my ribs and kisses me. Ahh our first kiss I never thought this would happen. I kiss back for a minute and then full apart flashing a smile back at him. He smiles back and suggests we take a few pictures. We take a few and I dicide to post one to my instagram with the caption lovely beach date with my love. I post the picture and then go back to enjoying this time.

We grab some food a few hours later and spend the rest of the day chatting, telling jokes, listening to music and goofing off. As it starts to get dark we go back to the car and head back home. After a few hours of driving under the stars we get home and yet again Ben as the gentleman he is helps me out of the car as the others drive past and park at the main house. Maddy jogs over to us with a big smile on her face as Dari and Steve walk up to us.

OK I saw your your picture on instagram. Is that who I think it is?. Maddy asks.

If your thinking its me then I would say your right. I asked Zoey to be my girlfriend. Ben says.

And? ... Maddy asks.

And I said yes we're togetter now. I say.

I'm so happy for you both. Maddy says.

I'm glad you found someone Zoe. Doint hurt her Ben. Steve says.

We're all family so we protect and support each other but I am really happy for you Zoe and you to Ben. Dari says.

Thanks guys. I say.

I can promise you my life I will never hurt Zoey like that Steve you have my word. Ben says.

Well I'm glad. Steve says with a smile.

Yo what's going on here?. Lucus asks.

Ben and Zoe are togetter. Maddy says.

Oh wow I'm happy fo you guys. Lucus says.

Me too. Marcus says making a sad face.

You'll find the most beautiful girl one day Marcus I know you will. I say.

Thanks Zoe I know I will too but I'm happy for you guys. Marcus says.

Oh I should mention I have to get my wisdom teeth out tommow so if I say some strange things it's the medication I'm on. Maddy says.

Oh ok well I hope it all goes good for you. I say.

We will record it so she'll see what she did and say. Dari says.

Oh wow I can't wait to see it. Ben says.

Well I would love to stay and chat to you guys but I should be off to bed. I've got a big day tomorrow. Maddy says.

Ben and I say goodnight to everyone before we go inside the house and get ready for bed. I get changed first and then let Ben get changed as I clean up the living room. A few minutes later we go to bed and I let him sleep in the same bed. We then drift of to a peaceful sleep the wind being the only sound we hear.

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