Meeting Up W/Cameron Dolan

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                    ~Chapter 16~

Having music playing in your ears on a flight while baby's are screaming and crying is honestly better than having no music playing at all. I look at the screen on the back of the seat and see that the flight only has 10 minutes until it lands so I dicided to text Cameron.

*Text from Zoey*
Hey Cam I'm just about to land.

*Text from Cameron*
Hey Z I'm waiting with by brothers by their jeep. Caint wait to finally see you again.

*Text from Zoey*
OK me either I haven't seen you in so long.

The plane touches down on the runway and slowly stops. When the plane is stopped I get off and go into the airport and straight through to baggage claim. I only had one bag other than my small backpack that was on my back. I grab my bag and walk out of the airport looking for a jeep, Cameron and the twins.

All of a sudden I'm takled into a bear hug by the one and only Ethan Dolan. I give him a hug and then of course Grayson and Cameron. Going to their car Ethan puts my bag in the back before going into the driver's seat. He drives off and we head to the apartment.

Ethan and Grayson drop Cameron and I off at the apartment building. I grab my bag and Cameron grabs hers and we head into the building and up the elevator. We wait in the elevator until it reaches the floor we need to go. Walking out of the elevator Cameron and I go to my apartment. Once we get there I  unlock the door and head inside with cam.

Putting our bags down cam and I get straight into organising the apartment. I put a few things of my brothers things in my bag along with the rest of my things from the apartment. Half an hour later cam and I have cleaned out the whole apartment other then the furniture that belongs to the apartment. Cam and I sit and watch Netflix for a few hours.

 A few more hours have passed and I get the tesla shipped back to maryland and I forgot to text Dari and Steve so I text them saying sorry Ive landed in La I've just been busy at the apartment. I take a selfie with cam and dicide to post it on my instagram with the caption:

Im now in La with this beautiful girl @camdol about to have the best weekend of our lives. Beyond excited to spend some time with you.

I post the picture and we dicide to get some food as it is getting dark outside. We order some food and drinks and just chill in the living room talking about the trip while we wait. I hear a knock on the door and I get up and get it. Opening the door its the food delivery, I get the food and thank the guy before closing the door and going back to cam.

We eat the food and start to watch some more movies. A while later cam and I dicide to go to bed so I tell cam she can sleep in Steve's old room for the night.

Thanks Zoe I'll see you in the morning Cam says with her tired eyes walking into Steve's old room.

Goodnight cam I say as I turn off the TV and clean up. I put the rubbish in the bin and turn off the lights while I head into my room and get changed also doing my night routine. I finish and get under the covers of my bed and look on my phone for a bit. I get comments on instagram from Steve and a load of likes.

@steveperez liked your post
@dariusdobre liked your post
@stinakayy liked your post
@camdol liked your post
@steveperezm commented: have fun ☺️ and be safe
@graysondolan liked your post
@ethandolan liked your post

I liked Steve's comment and replyed.

@zoeyperez I will always be safe @steveperezm

I turn off my light and put my phone on my bedside table before falling asleep.

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